Banks Intercooler question

He said He said is No end to it,at one time or another everyone makes statements they would like to retact..The CAC Banks has on the market is of turbolator design,For year this has been know to be the best design for Motion Vehicles,Now if I was only concern with Blasting force (Volume) NONE turbolator, this makes a great Dyno CAC, but is absolutely worthless for all every Day diving in in most cases..The Internal Manifold temp is measured and calculated in the fuel ratio,Now if you take this and manipulate the structure you may fine some benefit for a short time ,but eventually it will show its ugly head.these system are very complex..
JacktheBear3 said:
the Banks Intercoolers do well when it comes to PSI, but they are tested and exposed to an extreme amount of HOT AIR (it's something that is abundant at the factory) and excels in conditions were HOT AIR is excessive.

It's ability to withstand more than normal amounts or HOT AIR, make it a good choice when shopping for an intercooler. PSI, should be considered.... :bang:hehe:LOL:ft::blahblah1:*nx*:welcome:

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming....

Well, based strictly on this post I would have to say the intercoolers are ineffective. They seems to have no cooling affect on all that HOT AIR.*bdh*

Ok, I'm going to timeout now.
TCDiesel said:
He said He said is No end to it,at one time or another everyone makes statements they would like to retact..The CAC Banks has on the market is of turbolator design,For year this has been know to be the best design for Motion Vehicles,Now if I was only concern with Blasting force (Volume) NONE turbolator, this makes a great Dyno CAC, but is absolutely worthless for all every Day diving in in most cases..The Internal Manifold temp is measured and calculated in the fuel ratio,Now if you take this and manipulate the structure you may fine some benefit for a short time ,but eventually it will show its ugly head.these system are very complex..

I have no idea what the hell you are saying.

First of all, thanks for the reply
Second of all, please proof read and then learn how to type. I am lost in your grammar.

CAC, Charge Air Cooler. Turbolators ,the fins inside the Tubes that connect to the end tanks. I am At Present In the Rockies WY/MT the connection at times is at best intermittent.