BDP Sled Pull May 21st

As usual, Bean put on a great pull. There was some kind of electrical issue with the dyno. It was out of commission. Here's a few pics. More on our website HERE. I got a pic of all the 3.0 trucks and a lot of the 2.6's.









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Good pull. I had a blast. I have vids of all the pulls and most burnouts.

Sucks about the dyno
Will do when I get them loaded. It will be a day or two.
It was a first time for us, and even though the dyno was down we still had a blast!!!!!
The dyno was a real kick in the nuts, we were on it till 12:30 the night before then on our big day it decides to go tits up. If DynoDynamics dont make this right I am gonna take this dyno and shuv it up thier ass. Thats 3 dyno days in a row that Jons tried to do and had problems with it.

The pull turned out REALLY well. Track was in great shape and the pullers we had did really well. Just wish some more pullers would have showed but thats how it goes when you compete with our venues in the summer.

Give me a little bit and will try to get ahold of the results.
I hope everyone had a good time! Wish I could have been there, but Family has to be Priority One.
It was a first time for us, and even though the dyno was down we still had a blast!!!!!

I knew we would talk you into signing up.

We did have a pretty good time, didnt we? LOL
Had a great time pulling with yall. Bean you got the setup shop with its own pulling track.
The pull turned out REALLY well. Track was in great shape and the pullers we had did really well. Just wish some more pullers would have showed but thats how it goes when you compete with our venues in the summer.

Agreed on the track and pullers...I'm still trying to figure out where anyone else might have been pulling. All I can think of is if they farm they would've been in the field, except for Tate (Red RCLB LMM)! :lolly:
Here is a few videos I got.

On Edit: Click the picture for videos!

I saw a front end coming apart in his future, but he made it through thankfully.

Yeah, that wasn't pretty...but it was effective.
Wait till you see my video of it. Scary, but a damn good hook.
Agreed on the track and pullers...I'm still trying to figure out where anyone else might have been pulling. All I can think of is if they farm they would've been in the field, except for Tate (Red RCLB LMM)! :lolly:

they were all at the Mule show!