Be on the look out in 09!

Thats quiet the engine setup youve got goin on there, Would love too have done that too my Ford
Giant delay in the project:mad: the good ole ice storm has taken the power out at the shop and power isnt gonna be up for at least 2weeks they are saying:eek::eek:
Giant delay in the project:mad: the good ole ice storm has taken the power out at the shop and power isnt gonna be up for at least 2weeks they are saying:eek::eek:

They should be back before then, alot of places are coming back up as they are working quickly.
Why not??

They were supplied a gasket.....and installed a gasket.....nothing wrong with that?:confused:

They installed the proper one if it is o-ringed:poke:

Thats not a marine gasket, its a stock gasket cut out for the rings, same setup i am running, probably .105 thousandths rings. Definitely NOT a marine gasket.

Its 4.550 fire rings Deffinantly. Marine part numbers the same as factory 24 12 v part number now anyways.
Tylers wasnt around during that stage of the game and his mls head gasket is still at the shop...
would never sale a customers parts to someone else Wheather i needed them or not.

I dont get on here much but if theres anymore questions ill try to answer!