beginning to hate this forum


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Not sure if this is the correct area to post this in but I'm sure some one will tell me, which brings me to the reasoning behind this post. There are so many people on this forum at have so much useful information which is great, so every time I ever have a question I search for the answer but it seems like every single thread someone calls someone out and creates such a huge arguement. Ever single post turns into a arguement about who has this or who's done that. Its so annoying that there's so much good information on this form and so many knolegable people that know there sh*t on here but you would have to read through three different arguements to get the answer. I know this isn't going to change anything but I would rather waste my time posting this than calling someone out over something stupid
Welcome to the internet, CompD and the real world. Just like the United States of America. Love it or leave it.
The ignore list goes a long way in weeding out the useless posts. One more added....LOL
Moved this to the correct section. here's the deal the forums name is Competition Diesel. Guess what happens in Competition? there is some name calling and bantering. It's human nature deal with it!
the guy is right a few years ago there was useful information on here. Looks like everyone who knew anything rolled out and all thats left are the smartasses.
i would rather the good info than listen to what chip is better, and why cant i get any rpm out of my vp truck?
Pop the ***** out of your mouth and stop crying, so tired of the babys on here.
Only a fag would use the ignore list!!! Too bad he won't see this.LOL
Someone just smacked a Beehive with a Baseball bat.... This Thread is going to be shutdown like the rest.... $.02