Should of went to Raymondville good pull2Tone12V said:Well jeff city pull sucked!!!! 4 diesel trucks. Black Crow truck won by 39ft. Boring
8500lb thats would be awesome2Tone12V said:I was asked on another website if we were running 8000lbs class or 8500lbs. What would you guys prefer?
Whats that wait going to be. It be handy to know. and maybe post some rules I know you said DHRA, thats what i'll stick to thanks 2tone2Tone12V said:I was asked on another website if we were running 8000lbs class or 8500lbs. What would you guys prefer?
THANKS A BILLION FOR THE REPLY I'V BEEN JONESIN OVER THIS TRYING TO FIGURE OUT HOW I'D DROP WAIT OFF THE MEGA CAB2Tone12V said:8500 it is. Sorry been busy getting everything organized and trying to get my motor put back together all at the same time. 2wpuller you said jeff will be out of town? Strothkamp??? He said yesterday that he was going to be there if thats who you are talking about. Hope hes there anyways. Jahnsen i believe is pulling and not sure on Kevin Cole. Should have good showing for diesels
JFlagg said:Not sure where it is in Belle, but I would MapQuest Belle from your place and go from there...Belle isn't that big, so I am just driving there and asking directions...