built transmission

I almost forgot. I installed Merchant Automotive's pump rub upgrade kit in the transfer case. Just something to remember while it's on the bench too.
is anyone running suncoasts six speed vb. just curios if it is worth it

I'm hearing it's good for mileage and that's about it; but how long will it take to recoup the cost ?? Towing or performance is no difference according to the tester.
I think you can tear all of them up. ATS has bee good to us. All our local guys run suncoast.
whats the pump rub upgrade?

In some cases the pump inside the t-case will rub a hole in the rear casing. The kit includes a wear plate and gasket/sealant to prevent the hole. It's a little pricey at $250 but how much is a replacement t-case ?
The pump rub kit is a must on all 4X4 GM's. 250 bucks is a small price to pay for the piece of mind to know you aren't rubbin a hole in your case.
how do i get in touch with this big dipper guy, and how hard is it to install that t-case rub kit.
does he work out of his house or have a tranny shop, i couldnt find anything about him on the net.
He's well known on the forums as one hell of an allison builder.
He works at a GM plant as a union rep and does transmissions on the side. People have been happy with his work.
ATS tranny stuff

I run ATS tranny parts and knock on wood it's been a pretty good unit. Anything can be broken and some people are better at it than others. If you go with one of the better known shops I think you will be fine with ATS or Suncoast. Jeff
what parts did you use, i have been looking at some ats stuff, and what rough hp number should you tranny hold to?