bully dog or ppe

kmkdiesel said:
I was not aware of the problems with the smarty but it seems if you have not updated or got the 4.4 beta program everything is all right.

ummm NO. My truck runs away with a smarty on it. Thats NOT alright. Yes, thats me and my truck not everyone...but thats a huge safety concern.
973604x4 said:
ummm NO. My truck runs away with a smarty on it. Thats NOT alright. Yes, thats me and my truck not everyone...but thats a huge safety concern.

I think its on the ppe runaway thread. That says they all do it so its not just smarty its edge and bullydog too. There is problems with all of them, just dont talk down just one.
ever notice how people tend to pick on the worst one? A little out of line people will handle but loosing control is a whole other story.
If it was between driving a stock truck or using a BDDL. I would definitely be driving a stocker. I had a ton of problems with it that were only fixed after replacing the ECM.
My Smarty was not a BETA version and left me with serious electrical issues. Bob was absolutely no help. He needs to spend more time trying to find the problem WITH THE SMARTY and less time trying to pass the blame elsewhere. That is where Bully Dog shines - if they have an issue, they do not blame the sun, moon ,and stars like Bob. They simply correct it.
i am going to have to say PPE from what i have read they really have their act together with the programmer
1QuickDiesel said:
Any manufacture releasing "beta" or "alpha" or other potentally dangerous software, should be fully responsible for the out come--- with out pushing the blame on the consumer or anyone else for that matter.

This angers me to see companies just " scating by " and pushing the blame on others. We should boycott those companies.

Now your warranty is void, injectors are cracked, busted or leaking, truck is rattling constantly, and who know what else. All because they neglect the importance of quality controll.

ECM software should be 100% correct ( in the lab/ on the PC ) before it is released. ( checked several times )

Then testing should resume on a few testing vehicles of different years.
( checked several times)
Then and then only if all areas of concern are passed, should it be released to the public.

It's called quality controll.
( I dont think two guys can handle all that)
Now step up to the plate guys, and improve your companies, with better/ more customer service and better/ more quality controll. If you dont things will surely come back to haunt you.

You have no idea the concept of "Beta" or "alpha" do you? In a nut shell, it's "use at your own risk". If you are willing to devote resources to something unproven, and it breaks, technically your chit out of luck. The point is in beta/alpha testing is to find the bugs and fix them. If you blow a turbo and the company replaces it, WOW, that's be impressive.

I know if I lost a database in production running a beta version of Oracle, or worse yet, it corrupted data and I didn't know about it for a while cuz of a "beta version". I'd be so fired so quick. Possibly even sued!

If it's mission critical, don't use beta software! Common sense.

I agree with you about the "pushing the blame" that's retarded. But you are *****ing about beta software so your point is pointless

You modified your truck, reprogrammed the ECU. And you are going to ***** about warranty? Do your self a favor and sell the truck before you hurt your self with such retardation.

Software testing.... LOL. Go talk to microsoft. They still can't after 15 years figure out a simple PCMCIA slot on a laptop to not blue screen when pulled out or put in sleep. All these companies do a good job in software QA. Better then most software products out there.
JasonCzerak said:
You have no idea the concept of "Beta" or "alpha" do you? In a nut shell, it's "use at your own risk". If you are willing to devote resources to something unproven, and it breaks, technically your chit out of luck. The point is in beta/alpha testing is to find the bugs and fix them. If you blow a turbo and the company replaces it, WOW, that's be impressive.

I know if I lost a database in production running a beta version of Oracle, or worse yet, it corrupted data and I didn't know about it for a while cuz of a "beta version". I'd be so fired so quick. Possibly even sued!

If it's mission critical, don't use beta software! Common sense.

I agree with you about the "pushing the blame" that's retarded. But you are *****ing about beta software so your point is pointless

You modified your truck, reprogrammed the ECU. And you are going to ***** about warranty? Do your self a favor and sell the truck before you hurt your self with such retardation.

Software testing.... LOL. Go talk to microsoft. They still can't after 15 years figure out a simple PCMCIA slot on a laptop to not blue screen when pulled out or put in sleep. All these companies do a good job in software QA. Better then most software products out there.
Read between the lines. There is more to it than what is written, most wont understand.
screen names sure hide true identity. some should post names when claims are made.

whats to hide? maybe nothing.

Marco not beta test? right... :eek:wned:
1QuickDiesel said:
Read between the lines. There is more to it than what is written, most wont understand.

Now your skating any issues you may have with reading between lines comments.

I got from your comment that you think companies should fix everything that can break cuz of beta software.

Bob, I tried out the wild TQ, I'm sending you a bill for a new set of tires and clutch, cool?

Please, come one out and say what's on your mind there.
Bob Wagner said:
Marco not beta test? right... :eek:wned:

sure as hell didn't beta test it on my truck. If he did, he wouldn't be selling that product. :thankyou2:
we are ready to provide the best product on the market.

oh really? Just NOW? I thought you said you did that a long time ago. :kick:

Great job avoiding the whole key counter issue Bob. Thats true Smarty customer service. :clap:
my smarty runs away on my truck, works great on stock trucks though. if thats your only mod, i like the smarty. but im selling mine and going to a ppe. btw it runs away with EVERY tune ive tried, including beta 4.3 and 4.4.
when i first got it i about killed a family because the truck wouldnt stop for a stop sign, but it wont runaway on any of the other 3 stock trucks ive tried it on. theyre all truck sensitive it seems. but, the help ive gotten from bob is "yours isnt the only one" gee, thanks. btw, whats the vid of? mobile phone doesnt support youtube.
also, my truck seems to be alot like phils, runs good sometimes, runs crappy sometimes, shifts great sometimes, doesnt shift worth a **** other times, runs away alot of the time, guaranteed with the tst/ smarty...sometimes it doesnt (tst off)
feelmecummin said:
also, my truck seems to be alot like phils, runs good sometimes, runs crappy sometimes, shifts great sometimes, doesnt shift worth a **** other times, runs away alot of the time, guaranteed with the tst/ smarty...sometimes it doesnt (tst off)

I get that with my edge (tho, I'm my own TCM, so wait, some days.. never mind). Some days she pulls like a raped date, some days she *****es and moans and putez.
973604x4 said:
oh really? Just NOW? I thought you said you did that a long time ago. :kick:

Great job avoiding the whole key counter issue Bob. Thats true Smarty customer service. :clap:

He is ready to provide the the best product on the market.......

Just as soon as he figgures out how to make it.:hehe:

Bob also told me it was impossible to replace keystrokes 3-4 months ago when my keystrokes disappeared. Guess I don't qualify for great customer service.
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Yall keep on about the smarty, how about Bullydog with Mp8 any problems there?
OkeeGoat06 said:
Yall keep on about the smarty, how about Bullydog with Mp8 any problems there?

Sup Dude!!!

I'm Runnin BullyDog Crazy Larry and MP8.......No problems at all here!!!

Just got my Silver 62 installed yesterday.......OH YEAH!! Can't wait to dyno it and run some times....

Garmon is having his OPEN HOUSE Dyno day on NOV. 3 .....Most likely!!! He said that's what he leaning toward......I'll be there!!!

OkeeGoat06 said:
Yall keep on about the smarty, how about Bullydog with Mp8 any problems there?

On a stock or near stock truck....its great. That stack didn't like huge injectors though. Be sure you get an MP8 with the latest MAP sensor plug. It boost fools differently. The plug looks like this:

Look at the left side of this plug. Thats the type connector thats on the newer MP8's. The old style boost foolers didn't always work with Bullydog because of the goofy programming parameters of Bullydog. It uses a certain climatic measurement when determining to add power or not....and sometimes it boost fools, and sometimes it doesn't when using an old style boost fooler. If you use this style of boost fooler, you shouldn't have any problems. Quad himself explained all that to me after 3 boost foolers didn't work with Scary Larry on my truck.

In case anyone is wondering, thats a beta SP boost fooler in the pic. It crapped out last week :doh: