Did mileage test today - 24-25 mpg


Fat Bastard
Oct 8, 2007
Just info for the group

I have a 45 mile (5 stop and go 40 highway) one way drive to work each day and decided to try going s l o w (drove 50-55) to see just how my mileage would change.

To work my lie o meter read 26.7 mpg, return home read 26.2 mpg for the total 90 mile trip.

Previous hand calcs showed that the lie o meter was over stating mpg by about 1.5 mpg. So, I guess I can say I got at least 24-25 mpg today? Not sure all the dirty looks I got from people passing by was worth the extra 5-6 mpg.

Anyone else got any numbers to share?
my 03 with an SCT and extreme race file gets 21-22 and 19 around town
Proof that just by slowing down can get you excellent mileage. Is it really worth driving so much faster to get to your destination a whole 1, 2 maybe 3 minutes quicker? I think not....not now at least.

After a second day of torture the lie o meter reads 25.5 mpg over two days.

This is painful! Although, I don't mind it on the way to work, sometimes wish I had a 2 hour drive to work.
No update today, was on two wheels all day.

Happy 4th to you all....
02 D-max gets 13mpg whether you drive it hard or easy, loaded or unloaded, in town or on the interstate...........any ideas? I'd complain if it didn't run good but it does and I seem to always get worse mileage with my vehicles than anyone else does so i decided to quit complaining! lol
my 03 with an SCT and extreme race file gets 21-22 and 19 around town

Best I'm doing is 13 city and highway doesn't change much /
06 F350 6.0 Xcal3 3 SCT on race file Tuned by Truck Source Diesel .. 35 13.50's 6" BDS lift ..........
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everytime i finally get it through my head to drive easy and try to get some better mpgs......i get some jackhole at a stoplight firing it up that needs to be shut up....LOL and one good flooring will affect mpgs with big sticks ive noticed!!
I get 14 tops out of the CC DRW 6.0L. I think some people tend to exagerate a bit on MPG, or maybe I have a bigger POS than I thought.
Last two days did the same testing, this time I started out with a topped off tank all the way up the filler neck. I'll update with a manual calc after tomorrow's round trip. My mileage the last two days has been 25.5 mpg on the LIE O METER (for those who think that I'm exaggerating please see above where I noted the numbers were from the factory LIE O METER).

Two of the one way trips were in rain by the way, I would think more drag in those conditions. 55 mph, the more I do it, the easier it gets, IMO.
Didn't get out of work til midnight Friday so didn't fill up on the way home. I race the truck around all weekend, then back to 55mph to and from work Monday thru Wednesday. Trip meter on tank read 589 when I filled up tonight and I put 29 gallons even into tank up to the cap. 20.3 mpg with 5 days of slow mode (80% highway, 20% stop and go through country) and 2 days of sparing no throttle.

Oh and by the way, now my fuel gauge won't go past 3/8 full even though it's full to the top. Cycled the key quite a few times, no luck going to full reading. I did change both my fuel filters about 1000 miles ago, anyone think or know if there is a fuel sender wire nearby? I'll check the bible out, but welcome quick tips if anyone knows. Thanks and I'll keep you posted, hoping its a gremlin.
YES.. I can't STAND slow drivers. At least do the speed limit! I usually do 5-7 over.

Is it really worth driving so much faster to get to your destination a whole 1, 2 maybe 3 minutes quicker? I think not....not now at least.[/QUOTE]
The speed limit is a mix of 65 & 55 the whole 40 mile stretch normally, but this summer there is construction the whole way both directions so now 45 is the stated speed limit in most places. SO this post is not about being an annoying slower than the speed limit driver, it's about info sharing.

I do appreciate the info share you gave though. Do you hit the brakes when you see a cop too?