Dual CP3s or Aurora 5000 Turbo

Riddle me this... what is the PR at 50 pounds of boost. What is the PR at which the 5000 is overspinning and becoming very ineffecient?
have you even driven an a5k? I feel 90% of the people who dismiss the A5k dont have any experience with it and simply assume its not worth a good look just because its been out for like 30 years.


Nope, if I was recommending a sledpulling turbo I might say that but as far as daily driving or drag racing not a chance. If I was buying one it would be from II not ATS.
Riddle me this... what is the PR at 50 pounds of boost. What is the PR at which the 5000 is overspinning and becoming very ineffecient?

About 4 and half. But where?

Everybody wants to spin 4000+

Take 6.6 L and 50PSIG and do the math. ATS says 13xx CFM?

We can hit 50+ and survive at 4400, but not with a sub-2.8 charger. Even a 3.0 is breathing hard up there.

Any "expert" who tells you a turbocharger doesn't have a finite operating range is either a liar, a salesman, or both.

There is nothing wrong with an A5000 when used in it's operating range. But take them past it, and they have problems, like any other mechanical device.

ATS is releasing a bigger charger in the near future.
Nope, if I was recommending a sledpulling turbo I might say that but as far as daily driving or drag racing not a chance. If I was buying one it would be from II not ATS.

how can you reccomend or not reccomend something you have no experience with whatsoever. :rolleyes:
I'm running an A5K with dual fuelers, and held off just about everyone this last summer truck pulling. Even the competition that was running a GT42 on a Duramax.
I'm running an A5K with dual fuelers, and held off just about everyone this last summer truck pulling. Even the competition that was running a GT42 on a Duramax.

I've never lost to a twin-charger truck with a single GT40 or HTT (2.6).

So would you say a single GT40/SP66 is more powerful than twins?

I wouldn't.

And of course no A5000 truck can hang with my truck right now, either.

But a 2.7x charger will not survive long at 4000+ and 50PSI. They blow up. I got alot of evidence.
I've never lost to a twin-charger truck with a single GT40 or HTT (2.6).

So would you say a single GT40/SP66 is more powerful than twins?

I wouldn't.

And of course no A5000 truck can hang with my truck right now, either.

But a 2.7x charger will not survive long at 4000+ and 50PSI. They blow up. I got alot of evidence.

So what have you lost too?
So what have you lost too?

As far as Duramax charger systems go, just singles, and no A5000's yet.

But if you read the post, I'm saying it's pointless. Who a specific truck can or cannot defeat is not directly tied to compresser size.
If I was buying one it would be from II not ATS.

II can kiss my butt. They are freinds with u face to face but when u pop a 66 running a tow tune and only a tow tune and they sayed its been over speed thats bull****. II will never get another dime from me and a couple others. Yes its only 5 customers that are leaving but i promise you when they stick u you will hit the road to.
I just said that as an example, II K31 is wastegated & bigger on the exhaust size. I was looking around for some turbo prices & found one for 925 last night.
I think Ive been around long enough to know whats good & bad.

thats great for an armchair turbo expert, but I only care about hearing your oppinion after you've personally (no, not what you read on the interwebby) driven and tuned one.

I have driven and tuned several turbos and still say there is better turbos.
Not that a k31 is terrible, definitly depends on the intended use.
thats great for an armchair turbo expert, but I only care about hearing your oppinion after you've personally (no, not what you read on the interwebby) driven and tuned one.


nobody around here has one, so Ive never driven/riden one, I don't do tuning, I know somebody that has one(isn't the happiest with it)& Ive seen one blow up.
If theyre such a great turbo why are they found mostly on pulling trucks?
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nobody around here has one, so Ive never driven/riden one, I don't do tuning, I know somebody that has one(isn't the happiest with it)& Ive seen one blow up.
If theyre such a great turbo why are they found mostly on pulling trucks?

All Im saying is I dont think its fair to badmouth something you have no personal use/experience with.....would you agree?

The A5k may not be the latest technology, but it can easilly hold its own. Where did you see one blow up if no one around you has one?

If you keep rpm's above 2300, with proper tuning, it tows just fine in 5th gear. I know this because Ive towed 8-9k with one. As in, I was actually there and actually driving.

All Im saying is I dont think its fair to badmouth something you have no personal use/experience with.....would you agree?

The A5k may not be the latest technology, but it can easilly hold its own. Where did you see one blow up if no one around you has one?

If you keep rpm's above 2300, with proper tuning, it tows just fine in 5th gear. I know this because Ive towed 8-9k with one. As in, I was actually there and actually driving.


Indy 05
The A6 or A7, thats good for brand loyal people, but those turbos have been around.
Hate to break it to you but almost all turbos that people are putting on diesel pickups have BEEN AROUND. Almost all are "based" off an off the shelf charger, i.e. S300, S400 ect. You take an off the shelf turbo, swap some wheels, housings change the bearings or oil flow, add a wastegate ect. I'm not sure what brand/model is your "ideal" charger but instead of blowing off about what you don't like, or haven't tried why don't you show me (us) your idea of the baddest, quickest spooling, most efficient MF'r on the internet. You know actually add something of value to the thread instead of mindless babble.
Hate to break it to you but almost all turbos that people are putting on diesel pickups have BEEN AROUND. Almost all are "based" off an off the shelf charger, i.e. S300, S400 ect. You take an off the shelf turbo, swap some wheels, housings change the bearings or oil flow, add a wastegate ect. Ya no chit Sherlock wtf did you think I said.
I'm not sure what brand/model is your "ideal" charger but instead of blowing off about what you don't like, or haven't tried why don't you show me (us) your idea of the baddest, quickest spooling, most efficient MF'r on the internet. Depends on what your going to do with it. You know actually add something of value to the thread instead of mindless babble.
I went off topic a few times not on every post. You sound awfully defensive there, but seeing some of your other posts your pretty negative.
IMHO, on the original question, i would spend a little extra $$, hold off on twin CP3s and go with a twin charger set up.