EGT's While Pulling?

Bosshawg600 FireFighter
Aug 3, 2006
Well, Im getting kinda worried about my EGT's....

I know a lot of you are about to say "who cares about EGT's when pulling". Well I do. Ever since I bought this truck, its been running oddly hot. On the stock motor it was easily 900 going down the road. Now its at 1000* at 70 mph and just climbs with more speed.

When I pulled last weekend, I took a peak at my EGT's and it had Pegged the guage...heck it even broke the little stop needle off goinjg down the track! My guess it was easily aroun 1900-2000* and that was with running my 191 DV's. I got full cuts sitting in the glove box that Id like to run, but I am afraid to melt the motor down!

How can I get my EGT's lowered while Pulling? and Water is NOT an option!

or....what is everyone else running?
what ex housing you running, what intake manifold, are you running an intercooler, what exhaust manifold?

I can say the only thing that drasticly reduced my EGTs was installing a tubular header, dropped 300*.
What is your timing at? More timing will help for sure.

Laser cuts may cool you off some since it would throw more fuel into the mix.

Honestly, you just really cant worry about it. Even my truck will peg the 1500* gauge and i would bet it goes to 1600 or 1700*. For that short of a time, these motors will take a LOT of EGT.

They can take heat but with a 24v it kills yr seats, I dunno if yrs are cast or pressed I say cast, I just pulled my head off and replaced it cause every exhaust seat had a crack one went almost to the injector hole , most were hairline but some were so bad that I could look down on the table and see them , try some timing and check yr backpressure
Double check the timing and advance if necessary. Then put a piece of duct tape over your pyro and let it rip tater chip!
I peg a 2000 pyro with every hook since I got my CP3 and 120 sticks.
They can take heat but with a 24v it kills yr seats, I dunno if yrs are cast or pressed I say cast, I just pulled my head off and replaced it cause every exhaust seat had a crack one went almost to the injector hole , most were hairline but some were so bad that I could look down on the table and see them , try some timing and check yr backpressure

X2 on the seats. With the 24v you have to be careful, with heat comes expansion. If a seat falls out it could spell disaster for your engine. Ive always be told 1700 to 1800 deg is an optimum burn. A cam is something to think about as well.
I will say on the street I noticed a big drop in sustained EGT when I installed my cam and then also EGT's were slower to raise. Look into a good cam, possibly advance timing and check for boost leaks!
Jeff, if your head is a 98 or 99 it does not have seats in it. As far as your heat you can't worry to much about it, the length of the pull is usually not enough time to do damage. More fuel will cool her down but to much will put the fire out good luck. Oh and you need a clutch too.
I have been towing with and pullin my 12v for over a year with out a egt gauge. I got tired of replacing the probes for the BD x-monitor. When it worked it would run around 1700-1900*
Sounds familiar to mine. Ijust try not to think aboutr it.

X2. First time i seen it I was scared to death, but it seems to be holding up ok so far so I'm not too worried about it. Even on the street with the Smarty TNTR on level 1 my EGT's are around 1100+ takin git easy going up hills with out a trailer, and around 800 at 70mph on the interstates.
well i can tell you that the full cuts wont cool it off very much. I can run the needle past 1600 in about 5secs on the street unloaded. im also runing 20* of timing
I have been towing with and pullin my 12v for over a year with out a egt gauge. I got tired of replacing the probes for the BD x-monitor. When it worked it would run around 1700-1900*

Pulling without an EGT gauge is fine. But hauling stuff with much extra fuel and a bigger turbo without a pyro is asking for trouble IMO.

Got a BIG cam From haisley. Ported head wiith out press in seats. Bigger valves. S474sx with a 1.0 housing, HTT 3pc manifold. 22.5* timing. Decompressed and flycut pistons.

Whats realy weird....Im running the EXACT same if not higher EGT's with all the goodies as i was with the stock head, stock cam, 66mm turbo, same injectors, same fuel pump set up exactly the same.

I thought all this EXPENSIVE stuff was supposed to do something?
I don't eve run an egt gauge. I figured when I used to have it in the truck I never lifted even if it was pegged so why even worry about it when I know there is nothing I would do about it anyway...
the only thing it did for me was make me think "wow it's getting hot... hope it doesn't blow!" and keep on cookin'
Pulling without an EGT gauge is fine. But hauling stuff with much extra fuel and a bigger turbo without a pyro is asking for trouble IMO.


do you mean hauling a John deere 55 combine with a 3 row wide corn head behind my truck with a benched 500cc pump, marine injectors and my 2.8 hx50 turbo is asking for trouble?:hehe:
give it more fuel wish mine had a ppump to do that. Pulling my gets to 1500 with water