How do you guys run straight 50w? That stuff has to be like molasses when its cold......I assume your heating the engine/oil before start-up?
Sounds expensive!! Changing the oil each hook sucks!
Why are you changing the oil after every run? I change mine every 5-6 passes.
Why are you changing the oil after every run? I change mine every 5-6 passes.
Schaeffers - that sound familiar 2 tone? Sounds like what I recommended back at the beginning of the year. lol
For two years I ran a full synthetic in the Amsoil 20w-50 when the motor let go this past winter it was taken apart and the internals looked great very minimal wear on the bearings etc…. However we did see some sort of white thickness on the bottom of the pan and we were thinking this might be the full synthetic not playing nice with the water injection.
I have since then switched to a partial synthetic in the Brad Penn, Penn Grade 1, 20w50.
Brad Penn
Brad Penn also just came out with a racing/ high performance diesel oil in a 15w-40 with extremely high sulfated ash and zinc content, specifically designed for high performance off-highway diesel applications... I don't see the need for the thick oil guys.. All that extra weight is just slowing the crank down. THICK OIL IS NOT BETTER.