F this truck

had the same issues 2 times its the head gasket think mine was between 4&5 if i remember right
Got the head off no visible signs of were it blew but it's getn a new one and studs tommoro when I go to schieds!! Hope it fixes it if not it's better off now anyway. It's going to take a day to clean all the dam soot outa everything, that was a dumb idea on cummins part.
Blame the EPA not Cummins. They have to do what they have to do to meet strictor emissions standards.
I don't think the EPA told cummins to do it that way. Not sticking up for them by no means but think the urea would probably be a better idea than trashing a good engine just to pass emissions. Just saying
why use urea when they didnt have to at the time? its a pain in the butt! cummins was able to get away w o having to use it while chevy and ford had to. cummins has pioneered the egr and dpf system. while i am not a fan of it and have removed it, i still give respect for it. its not cummins fault. and if you look even chevy and ford have problems with their engines and recalls because of emissions
why use urea when they didnt have to at the time? its a pain in the butt! cummins was able to get away w o having to use it while chevy and ford had to. cummins has pioneered the egr and dpf system. while i am not a fan of it and have removed it, i still give respect for it. its not cummins fault. and if you look even chevy and ford have problems with their engines and recalls because of emissions

Because UREA/SCR is a BETTER system, by far. Less EGR, Less DPF, and spray a little fluid in the exhaust.

As long as you aren't a complete moron and pour the DEF in the fuel tank, or vice versa, you'll have WAY less trouble with SCR/Urea.

Why in the world is everyone so against SCR? It is flat out a better system.

Let's see, we can make the engine choke on regurgitated exhaust, and then try to filter the bad stuff left over out of the exhaust, and dump more fuel to keep that hot enough to burn it off....or we can let the engine breathe, be efficient, then clean up the exhaust after the fact with some fluid you can buy for $1.95/gal.

I know which one I want;)
I'm with you signature600 I'd bet they haven't tore one apart and seen what it does to the engines internals
no i know it all is horrible for the engine. but even with the urea the truck still has the egr and dpf. its just another way to choke up the engine more. semis are having nothing but problems with urea systems.
Got a urea system on my ford. No issues and averaging 17-17.5mpg. Not bad for only having 4000 miles. My roommate's LMM is averaging 14mpg. Same build as mine (cc sb 4wd). I'll take the urea please.

Chris where are you finding urea for $1.95/gal or are you buying in bulk? A 2.5gal container down here is just over $20 and I've got a 5gal tank.
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no i know it all is horrible for the engine. but even with the urea the truck still has the egr and dpf. its just another way to choke up the engine more. semis are having nothing but problems with urea systems.

The semi guys are having less trouble with the SCR engine, than they are the EGR engines. ;) SCR does NOT choke the engine, it helps it breathe better by requiring less of the rest of the emissions systems.

If you don't understand how the system work, please shut up about it. There is no need to spread more BS information;)

Got a urea system on my ford. No issues and averaging 17-17.5mpg. Not bad for only having 4000 miles. My roommate's LMM is averaging 14mpg. Same build as mine (cc sb 4wd). I'll take the urea please.

Chris where are you finding urea for $1.95/gal or are you buying in bulk? A 2.5gal container down here is just over $20 and I've got a 5gal tank.

Bulk...330 gallon totes. I think the company I get it from sells 2.5 gallon jugs for about $10...but don't quote me there, I don't buy them like that.

The price should still come down a bit more, once it's more widely available.

funny my family owns a steel hauling business and all the semis we have with urea have had to go back to dealer at least twice. it all is bad for the engines. thats why on my personal dd i took all the emission junk off. runs much much better and gets 21-23 all day long on highway, where when it was stock w emmision bs i was getting 17 tops. our isx14 cummins have had no problems with there egr systems or engine.
funny my family owns a steel hauling business and all the semis we have with urea have had to go back to dealer at least twice. it all is bad for the engines. thats why on my personal dd i took all the emission junk off. runs much much better and gets 21-23 all day long on highway, where when it was stock w emmision bs i was getting 17 tops. our isx14 cummins have had no problems with there egr systems or engine.


You have a custom Cummins? If you don't even know what the hell you're driving, why should I believe a word you have to say about their dealer trips?

I'm a dealer for a product that has been using SCR technology for almost 3 years...I tell you, it's a way better system than the older emission engines were using. Period!
isx are the engine family after the n14. urea is just a pain that you have to add it. i dont like it at all. the egr system has had little problems. in our experience it seems we are having more problems witht the turbos with urea. i know it has to be used, but i still hate it all period.
How is the urea affecting the turbos if its injected into the exhaust post-turbo?
My god some people just won't listen or learn. UREA/SCR>DPF/EGR by far.
So how is the head coming along? Guess the gasket never showed today did it? I'll be over tomorrow night to help get it back on.
i honestly have no idea, all im saying is we have had nothing but problems and alot have been with the turbo. i wish they still made the n14 and the 600cat. there is still a egr and dpf even if its a urea truck im pretty sure