FALL BRAWL 2009...."Take Calculated Risks!"

wow is all I gotta say, cp3 unlimited iinclude nitrous too? or is that all fuel / water meth ?

CP3 Unlimited.....
This is the class that allows ANY combination of fuel chargers/fuel/drugs.This is the "Do NOT Bring a Knife To A Gun fight!" class.The only rule is,CLOSE THE HOOD!.
I'd like to start this off first by saying thank you to the ENTIRE crew from the SGS Performance shop.Once again the guys trudged through some very nasty weather which allowed us to have a show worth remembering.Its their continued support,dedication to hard work and professionalism that makes these shows get better each year.So a HUGE THANK YOU goes to all of the SGS crew and their Ladies as without them our shows would not be as flawlessly run as they are.

The Mason-Dixon Turbo Diesel Club would also like to send our thanks and gratitude to those businesses who helped us with the trophies....

Geno's Garage
Mid-Atlantic Diesel Performance
D-P Tuner
TRE Diesel Performance

We appreciate the help and continued support of our shows from all of them as without them shows like this are difficult to put on.THANK YOU!!!

Also needing noted is the NADM for their added support which gave us the ability to add someone to a couple of their HP clubs.It was a very nice addition to our show and many did not know I even had them as I kept it under wraps until today.THANK YOU NADM!!!!.

We also had the fortune of having a gift certificate to give away from the fine people that own SupertruckUSA.com.Craig Jaros contacted me about two days before the event and asked if he could help with a certificate and dropped it off.The club placed all of the dyno cards you filled out into a box and had one pulled which was won by Travis Sanderson.So as we welcome a new business to support the club we also say THANK YOU to Mr.Jaros for the help and support of the show.

Lost among all the fun was the hard work that our resident chefs did while cooking under a canopy in the pouring rain Saturday.Chef Jim and Chef Keith,along with apprentice Chef Larry,who helped all weekend long,did a marvelous job working through some tough conditions to feed the masses.Thanks guys again for a great job wheeling the big grill your hard work is always appreciated!.

The last two things here I would like to say is THANKS to ALL of the Mason-Dixon TDC members who help make this show what it has become today.We have come along way since 2001 with these events and its because of the support all of you give me which make the show such a success.The other thing which NEEDS to be recognized is how well the crowd was behaved and how well they helped us keep the property in good shape.We all know how bad the upper field would be with 4 days of straight rain and Saturdays downpours yet you people managed to drive in and out as easy as possible and it kept the damage down to a minimum.having gotten a chance to wander around today to see for myself it was really in good shape considering what it could have been and even the SGS crew was impressed with how well you all did navigating it.Thanks for taking great care of the property as it was noticed by all of us and appreciated by the SGS crew.

Last but not least the participants and spectators who braved the elements..
While this was only the 2nd year we have had nasty weather I was very worried with the forecast that we would have a light show.With the count Saturday of 110 trucks on the property and 50 on Sunday I'd say we did really well considering the weather.Its all of you who come out that make the show and we as a club appreciate all of you for the continued support of our shows.So under tough weather conditions you all amazed me again and made the show a HUGE success and for that you deserve a big THANKS from all of us.Next year can only get better and we look forward to seeing you all again then...........Andy
Calculated risks huh? I have calculated that trading shots with Lloyd and Tim is not a very good calculation.LOL :badidea: ouch.
I don't know what you guys speak of.....I felt fine Sunday. :D
oooohhhh i think i'm starting to get the picture now!!! Sounds like yall had an exciting night
After hearing everybodies take on the evening festivities I think it would have been more fun to participate in that then the dyno.
Calculated risks huh? I have calculated that trading shots with Lloyd and Tim is not a very good calculation

You and Tim seemed to be the ones who had the worst case scenario of the "food poisoning".I would say its safe to say the only smart one was the guy who exited at 7:30pm that night,ME...LOL.

I also thought that you learned your food poisoning lesson at Numidia:doh:

I don't know what you guys speak of.....I felt fine Sunday



Um...You seeemed to be among the missing from the weekends festivities?

After hearing everybodies take on the evening festivities I think it would have been more fun to participate in that then the dyno.

:umno:You were alot safer on the dyno:bow::bow:
I can not believe that there has been no videos of how violent your truck was on the dyno posted anywhere yet with all of those I seen taking videos of it while Lloyd was wheeling it.
Andy...... sad to say, but... I might be too retarded to learn anything. LOL

I do want to say though, all joking aside, I was very impressed with the get together. I almost stayed home when I saw the forecast, but made the trip through the snow in the mountains and it was well worth it.
Diesel people are the coolest, nicest, smartest people in the whole world.:rockwoot:
I'm glad you braved the elements Jeff...it would not have been the same without you!