few ?'s on 4k gsk and kickdown cable

I hope you have 60# valve spring if you're revving over 3300. When you mod the AFC, the shaft that protrudes through the FRONT of the AFC needs to be turned all the way clockwise, the 4k gsk causes the arm to contact lower, and it can get caught under the plate and cut off power. Rotating that shaft clockwise will lower the AFC arm so it doesn't get caught.

What thickness are you guys using for OFV shims?
im not turning over 3300 rpm yet because of not having the valve springs . and so ure saying the back of the pump were the lever adjustment is, the lower bolt has to be cranked in all the way clockwise ?
No its not near the lever adjustment. Search for the AFC mod thread(s), there are tons of them. Do the AFC mods (replace cupped washer, adjust pre-boost, grind the arm barrel) these won't really challenge your trans more they just help spool up and make sure the AFC is traveling fully. When you grind the barrel you'll see what I mean. Front side of AFC, has a circular slot so you can only turn it about 1/8, but turn it all the way clockwise.
I know this is a old thread but i have the same no kickdown problem.... what did ya find out on it?
after i got my boost leak fixed everything seemed to be just fine. the kickdown was no longer a problem ik it sounds werid but i never had to adjust it