Final rule class and rule changes from DHRA

zstroken said:
Maybe ATS is a DHRA sponsor?:poke:

We will see if this helps with the turbo costs, from custom grinding $$$ to get the inducer down on a 3.0 charger to meet the 2.5 class.

:hehe: I had to go check....they're listing the comp wheel at 100.1 mm!

I'm sure this will fuel a bunch of conspiracy theories. But IMO the A5k / K31 is a great level to limit street trucks to. The Chevies and Dodges can both run them, they're streetable, reliable and plentiful. So if you have to stick a line somewhere, IMHO this ain't a bad one.

Although I would like to know if one of the Borg S400 class comes in right under the 105mm spec....and then we can blame this on whoever carries those!!! :D

I'm going to step up a bit in '08 but it's nice to know that my A5k won't become a paperweight....
GT4202 falls in under the 105 at 102mm, I don't have a spec sheet but I really wander what s400's are. Since both the 3.0 and the 2.8 borg have the same OD on the compressor wheel. If it does that 2.8 s400 would be a great reasonably costing charger, for the 2.8 class. Now the GT4202 with a little turbo work could be used to follow.. Matt do you the turbine specs on the A5K, I am wandering if the k31 uses the same exhaust housing as an s400.
eventually someone is going to start making custom compressor housings for the these chargers to run these smaller inducer classes where they say you cant run bushings.....

What do you mean eventually, If noone was gonna put limits on the class like this I was gonna take a 3.0 s400 and have the inducer cut down to 2.5 and use it.
NADM still has left that door open though.
nwpadmax said:
:hehe: I had to go check....they're listing the comp wheel at 100.1 mm!

I'm sure this will fuel a bunch of conspiracy theories. But IMO the A5k / K31 is a great level to limit street trucks to. The Chevies and Dodges can both run them, they're streetable, reliable and plentiful. So if you have to stick a line somewhere, IMHO this ain't a bad one.

Yea, Matt that is a great idea we could rename it the ATS S/S class. Only 1 rule. All trucks must run an ATS A5k to level the playing field. :hehe:

BTW, Undoing the clamp and removing the piping for the turbo is not a 5 or 1min job on most trucks
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If it is a Vband clamp on the compressor discharge that is pretty easy. The slip on ones will be a little more challenging.
silver03 said:
Yea, Matt that is a great idea we could rename it the ATS S/S class. Only 1 rule. All trucks must run an ATS A5k to level the playing field. :hehe:

BTW, Undoing the clamp and removing the piping for the turbo is not a 5 or 1min job on most trucks


You mean there's something on a Dmax that's easier to work on, than a CTD??? :eek: No way!!


Seriously, on an A5k, pop the intake off (hose clamp), pop the v-band on the outlet, then pop the v-band on the compressor housing. Easy as pie.

Don't know about the others.
Dan, the ATS website has the sizes. I'm not sure they're correct, though....I know the exducer size on the turbine is 3.030" or so (77mm) and the inducer has to be bigger...they have 'em at 76 and 70....which can't be right.

Lemme do some digging.
Where the hell is Mech, anyway? He's been screaming for a 2.8 no-bushing class for years, now it's here. Howboutdat!

Whos The Brain Child said:
I'm new at this rule stuff, so please forgive me for not posting more of the turbo ruling in Pro Mod:

*Two turbochargers are allowed during National events for non-points participants. Atmosphere charger inducer bore on the compressor housing may be no larger than 2.8 inches.

Once again, if you have questions, please contact Scott Doty.
Well I would like to know why I/anyone should run points with the DHRA in a truck that was built for a 3.0 class and have to run against a twin charger trucks at national events.Is it a single charger class or not?Seems to me it is only ok to run twins when DHRA deems it will benafit them.They do something as stupid as makeing us run a single at all events,then allow twins at the nationals and Im out.I would asume those twin trucks are not running for our money if they are not able to run for points right?If thats the case just let them run there own exabition class.
nwpadmax said:
Where the hell is Mech, anyway? He's been screaming for a 2.8 no-bushing class for years, now it's here. Howboutdat!


Trust me I put my $.02 in there.
all of my chargers have a bolt on compressor housing that takes 6 or 8 bolts to remove and are PITA to get off on the engine, You are talking at least an hour to remove and reinstall in the hot ass staging lane at INDY

:doh: It will be interesting to see how the season goes with this set of rules. IMO best thing to do would be to leave the rules the same as last year, except REMOVE the workstock class and replace it with a 2.5 or 2.6 class. Seems a lot more simple to me, and i think its what most of the pullers want as well.
undercover said:
Well I would like to know why I/anyone should run points with the DHRA in a truck that was built for a 3.0 class and have to run against a twin charger trucks at national events.Is it a single charger class or not?Seems to me it is only ok to run twins when DHRA deems it will benafit them.They do something as stupid as makeing us run a single at all events,then allow twins at the nationals and Im out.I would asume those twin trucks are not running for our money if they are not able to run for points right?If thats the case just let them run there own exabition class.
I still would like to see answers to my questions and if you think I'm gonna unbolt 1/2 my truck for tech they're nuts.Plus they will get tired of tech it and then they will start letting it slide.Seen all this before
Moremph said:
all of my chargers have a bolt on compressor housing that takes 6 or 8 bolts to remove and are PITA to get off on the engine, You are talking at least an hour to remove and reinstall in the hot ass staging lane at INDY


Purely guessing here, I imagine they'll only tech the top 5 (money) trucks after they pull. I've been to a couple pulls where they did this and it worked out fine, although we were just getting plugged, not torn down.
I sure hope the Tech guys get paid ALOT better than they used to, Cause pulling the charger apart to check for the exducer size is gonna be time consuming.How is tech gonna check for block fillers??? pull the head???

Guess that tech needs to open 3 days early so you can get the head and chargers off.
Distributor said:
Guess that tech needs to open 3 days early so you can get the head and chargers off.

make them set and idle for 10 or 15 minutes......that will do it, or make them do a random "road trip" like the NMCA does with their street cars.....that will quickly seperate the street trucks from the trailer queens.....
So no one has answered the almighty question is the 3.0 class a single class or a twin class..
Overfueled said:
So no one has answered the almighty question is the 3.0 class a single class or a twin class..
Still looking for answers!!!!!!Why build a single charger truck to run a single charger class only to pull against twin charger trucks like an ass?ARE THEY GONNA RUN FOR THE MONEY WHEN THEY ARE NOT LEGAL IN THE CLASS????????:rules: *bdh* :badidea:
Overfueled said:
So no one has answered the almighty question is the 3.0 class a single class or a twin class..

Hey buddy this is copied & pasted from the first post:
Pro Mod Rules:
Turbocharger- Vehicles are limited to a single turbocharger only; the inducer bore on the compressor housing may be no larger than 3.0 inches measured at the smallest diameter area of the compressor wheel. No bushings allowed.