Firering Brands/ Different Qualities?

Pressure Tactics

On my P-pump 24v I have had the head and block both o-ring'ed(I'll see if I can dig up a pic)... I like the fact that I can just replace the head gasket with a regular head gasket if it ever fails, Cheaply...

I'd hate to have to have $300 into fire rings(or specialty head gasket) every time I had a failure... My truck sees 85lbs of boost pretty much daily, no issues so far... I usually only run about 18-22* of timing so cylinder pressures aren't super high. I also can't generate a huge advance in timing at low RPM like you VP guys. most gasket failures I see around me are due to drive pressures...

Lanky, thanks for the info especially about the timing and driver pressures, items I have to learn more about.
I will be just doing my head.
Great post!!:Cheer: