FOR SALE 1996 cummins with twins

wow. seriously are you guys all buddies or what? I put a truck on here to sell not to get a bunch of different opinions of what you think of it. And thanks for callin it a pos! And why dont you ask the other 10 people i have sold stuff to and see what they have to say about me. So one guy isnt satisfied witht he gauges i sent him so you have to try and make me look like a bad person??
yeah. we ARE all freinds. its CompD buddy. get used to it or leave, if your that butt hurt guy.
i think honestly you are way off priced here. i beleive you should put a little time into it if you want to get anything out of it. sand it down fix any dents and then paint the joker. your talkin a little it of hard work and your in there. then fix the dagum problem with the coolant, take the head off, see if its a head gasket or a cracked head and fix it, then finish putting the engine bay together the right way and you could probly sell it for 10 to 12 thousand. but if your not gonna put any time into it i would say part it out. thousand for the twins, 2k for the auto, 1500 for the motor in the condition its in(wich is unkown ecause of the mixing fluids problem) and 1500 for the rest, thats round 6000 to 6500 you could get back out of what you have lost. That right there is about the truth. anything else and you are either not gonna sell it or your gonna e screwin somone out of there money.
I swear this guy is on here to sell a truck...I think. I might need to read about it one more time though just to be sure.

Look, here it is out in the open for you since you can't comprehend what we are saying. That truck is not worth anything over $5k and that is being honest with you. Maybe to you it is because you got hosed on it once before but without work and some finishing then dream on bud.

People sell their race vehicles for way under what they invested into them because that's simply how it goes. I paid $9k for my truck and have put over $3k into it but does that mean I'm going to sell it for $12k? Hell no. I'll be lucky to get $7k out of it if I ever sell it.
wow. seriously are you guys all buddies or what? I put a truck on here to sell not to get a bunch of different opinions of what you think of it. And thanks for callin it a pos! And why dont you ask the other 10 people i have sold stuff to and see what they have to say about me. So one guy isnt satisfied witht he gauges i sent him so you have to try and make me look like a bad person??

Why not just take the gauges back? It flat out sounds like you knew something was up with them and once you got the money it's "Thanks, sucker".

And the criticism of your pricing started out fair enough but your replies kinda set everyone off. I have seen people put 15k in parts on a vehicle and then sell it for 5k because it was a butchered job. Seems like your in the same boat but refuse to admit the mistake on YOUR purchase price. Honestly as bad as the condition of what you posted appears to be, you would make out better parting it out.
sorry about your purchase .... i to learned the hard way from someone out in Texas, sold me a truck and the trans went out in 3 days and he swore it was a fully built auto lol it had a shift kit that was it good luck fix her up , you got to spend money to make money
good luck with the sale no bad mouth here. I love how aftermarket parts are not worth crap on your truck
so after all that i am still waiting for actual specs ..... who's trany etc.... i am in the market so i still can't make an offer better than what i claimed earlier till i get specs. i have bought and sold many trucks and i allways get specs with them or list them with specs it trully helps your pricing.
so after all that i am still waiting for actual specs ..... who's trany etc.... i am in the market so i still can't make an offer better than what i claimed earlier till i get specs. i have bought and sold many trucks and i allways get specs with them or list them with specs it trully helps your pricing.

I've been trying for the specs too. But he won't budge. Apparently, the only way he'll relinquish the specs is if i show him a picture of $9k cash.
Just leave the finicially debt free , but rents a house, butt hurt guy alone with his wreck of a truck.
looks like you took a bunch of SH!T, tossed it on a truck to make some dough, and hoping that someone retarded will buy it.


if you are legit.... post up a vid of it running, take some more pics of the engine bay, underside and inside.... show us that this thing isn't a complete pile o sheet.

sorry bought your luck, but most of us know when were getting ripped before we pay.....
No if it doesnt sell thats fine cause i will have more money coming in in the spring and i will repaint it and fix it up just like i want. Im not trying to make a quick sell and trying to screw someone out of it. If i would sell it for 6000 i will be losing 3000 on it but that will give me some relief on some bills i need to pay. If people want to make dumb offers for it and bad mouth it and think im just goin to give it away im not. I dont owe anything on it and it can sit in the shed for 2 years if i want it to until i have enough to fix it.
This just amazes me.

You need to realize those are legit offers.

No specs, no receipts, no vids, no dyno sheets, oil in coolant. Put those up and you will get offers more to your liking.

Or just put it on CF, some idiot on there will buy it.
No if it doesnt sell thats fine cause i will have more money coming in in the spring and i will repaint it and fix it up just like i want. Im not trying to make a quick sell and trying to screw someone out of it. If i would sell it for 6000 i will be losing 3000 on it but that will give me some relief on some bills i need to pay. If people want to make dumb offers for it and bad mouth it and think im just goin to give it away im not. I dont owe anything on it and it can sit in the shed for 2 years if i want it to until i have enough to fix it.

Say's Mr. debt free, looking to pay bills.

You're a piece of work there kiddo.

So, you going to lower it and paint it black with a bumping stereo when you get the money Mr. accountant?