Found my new cam

Zach, pal if your trying to establish a name for yourself you are going about completely wrong.
If you have product that works and is pricied well it will not take long for people to find that out on there own.

Don, you are cut off from HD products for life......... just kidding you can get in on our sale if you want. You could make pretty good money reboxing our springs! I know you didn't want to go head to head in testing with our springs. How about a head to head comparison on cams? One dyno one truck two cams and two sets of springs........ all in one day! Stop all the b.s. Blah blah blah and stick it out there a little. I have done the research, I have total confidence in my products, Do you?

what is your spring pressure at installed height @1.94 and do you need to cut your spring pad in your head to fit?
Klincoln, I try not to turn open posts into hamilton comercials. If you will look under the hamilton sub forum I will post the specs and availability within the hour.
onetun, I have had these springs and cams out for over a year, they really didn't start moving much until I started answering back on attacks from other vendors. I do try to keep the pissing matches to a minimum and not hijack threads and turn them to promote my products. I believe the squeeky clean ad campaign is best. However in this he said she said world sometimes you have to get into the trenches and get a little dirty. Thankyou for your concern. I will try to keep a squeeky clean ad campaign.
Zach, pal if your trying to establish a name for yourself you are going about completely wrong.
If you have product that works and is pricied well it will not take long for people to find that out on there own.


I think he is going about it the exactly right way! Presenting test data and showing proof. This is the only way Hamilton has a shot at market share. He has to be aggressive, cause a rift so to speak, to overcome the closed mind approach many of us have towards specific products.

We as diesel performance enthusiasts benefit from the presentation of raw data.

The biggest problem with the squeaky clean approach is that many times factual data gets overlooked because of reputation. Since Don has a great reputation on most forums, he is able to sell parts whether or not they are factually superior. There will always be those willing to back him up because it gives them a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

Based solely upon reputation and hype, there are a lot of people in diesel performance willing to pay Don's premium prices rather than a better priced product that performs equally. It's not a bad thing, it's a natural occurrence that comes with making a name for yourself. All of this exposure gives customers a new look at the big names in diesel performance.
Ryan, 60lb springs like you and I run are about 145 lbs seat pressure, or they are on my head.

Don, you had the perfect English thing going then you used too many periods, commas are using with your on the same subject. I'm not a cam guy but had to razz you about something, you guys are cracking me up!

I think he is going about it the exactly right way! Presenting test data and showing proof. This is the only way Hamilton has a shot at market share. He has to be aggressive, cause a rift so to speak, to overcome the closed mind approach many of us have towards specific products.

We as diesel performance enthusiasts benefit from the presentation of raw data.

The biggest problem with the squeaky clean approach is that many times factual data gets overlooked because of reputation. Since Don has a great reputation on most forums, he is able to sell parts whether or not they are factually superior. There will always be those willing to back him up because it gives them a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

Based solely upon reputation and hype, there are a lot of people in diesel performance willing to pay Don's premium prices rather than a better priced product that performs equally. It's not a bad thing, it's a natural occurrence that comes with making a name for yourself. All of this exposure gives customers a new look at the big names in diesel performance.

OK so you and I see it a little different. I have a business and compete with thousands of companies. My way of getting my market share is through advertising. The most effective source of advertising is a happy customer that can support all elements of the product purchased.

Don has proven for many years his product is darn good. This is voiced by many along with a large chunk of winning trucks.

Specs are good, but 2/3 of the people that read them have no idea what they are looking at. A large portion of users on these boards are looking for power adding products...not cam lobe specs. If I was to look at the specs or talk to 100 people about a product which direction do you think I'd go?
As for big price, whatever man pay to play...paying basement pricing will catch up to you.

I just think people need to have some respect for business owners. Point A-B more than one way...

The sport needs cutting edge performance and I'm sure Hamilton will get his share.

I believe in having the complete in and outs of a product. A good salesman will be able to sell you both sides without prejudice in mind. The good bad and the ugly. Nothings worst than a unhappy customer . It's up to guys such as myself and others to be comfortable with the products before EVEN considering the sale of them.

Note that each salesman will have their own way to pitch a product's up to you as the customer to do your research to find whats best for you own particular application.
The technical sale is the hardest, I can promise you that! That is why I am having cam install and design seminar to show the average Joe exactly what I am talking about instead of telling them on a message board.

I think a seminar would be a great idea. Let’s take this one more step for the good of the group. Let’s have a web meeting with streaming video. This would allow some of us that do not live in the area to see a cam installation demo. You could also record this and post it to the video library. Just my two cents………:nopics:
I would like to come too, I just need a little notice so I can take off work.

Also if you are interested...I am looking to pick up a cam, springs, pushtubes, o-ringing, and p&p (I talked to you the other day about it) from you and if you need a guinea pig to do the class on I could bring the truck down.
Ok guys, I will get a few of the competitors cams coming in and I will show the differences and benefits of each. Feel free to bring in whatever cam you want to be degreed in and mapped out. There is also some tri-flow technology we are working on, where one intake valve opens 2 degrees before the next, I will be up for recording some of it for the web, Install, how to find centerlines etc. But I really don't want the cam design info. I think with turbos and injection systems coming along, cams and heads are the last major untapped power gains to be had. Oh yeah does somebody have the ability to post all of this video?

p.s. If there is enough interest, I will try to get Geoff and Piers to come down and give some more insight into other areas of the cummins engine.
If you want a stock cammed truck to play with I'm more than happy to donate mine. LOL

I'll call ya tomorrow bout ordering those springs.
OK so you and I see it a little different. I have a business and compete with thousands of companies. My way of getting my market share is through advertising. The most effective source of advertising is a happy customer that can support all elements of the product purchased.

Don has pr oven for many years his product is darn good. This is voiced by many along with a large chunk of winning trucks.

Specs are good, but 2/3 of the people that read them have no idea what they are looking at. A large portion of users on these boards are looking for power adding products...not cam lobe specs. If I was to look at the specs or talk to 100 people about a product which direction do you think I'd go?
As for big price, whatever man pay to play...paying basement pricing will catch up to you.


This is exactly what I'm tired of is just here-say with no actually specs listed. The whole diesel industry is like that. Buying diesel performance parts should be no different than than buying SBC parts. I can open up Summit and get any spec I want for most any part. It makes decisions much easier instead of just relying solely on word of mouth. I think its about time people are stepping up and posting some specs for items with such a high price tag.
Specs are good, but 2/3 of the people that read them have no idea what they are looking at. A large portion of users on these boards are looking for power adding products...not cam lobe specs.


Thats simple why some people care some dont its called money If I had the money I could care less , Ok this cam didnt work so get another , these injectors didnt work ehh get another set , some though try and ask and get an idea of what the Hell is going on and cant spend the $$ on the big name POLO or Diesel jeans and settle for the wal-mart or TSC specials they still do the job
Ok so if these 60# springs are 145 at the seat, what are they at full lift with a stock cam? We have seen the other numbers, think it was posted that the stock cummins springs were like 360/370.
Zach, what town are yall in, i might would be interested also. I have a cousin [Chad G.] that talks highly of your products.
I will check a set real quick.

How much lift do you run?

I saw you run in Houston. If you get that od fixed I would love to get some of my parts in that engine of yours. I won't hold the bowtie thing against you though.....well maybe a little. We are in Liberty Hill.

Do you mean Chad Gillespie? He was one of my first customers when I opened up in the half paint booth and only $200 to my name years back. Wow.
145lbs at 1.940" installed heighth
235lbs at 1.440" average lift from a stock 1.7 ratio rocker and a
.300" lift cam. equaling around .500" lift
255lbs At 1.340 .600" lift
coil binds at about 1.320"

Hope this helps,

Zach Hamilton
Thats simple why some people care some dont its called money If I had the money I could care less , Ok this cam didnt work so get another , these injectors didnt work ehh get another set , some though try and ask and get an idea of what the Hell is going on and cant spend the $$ on the big name POLO or Diesel jeans and settle for the wal-mart or TSC specials they still do the job
