
Well I'm glad to see CompD gettin' some lovin' !! You fellas are good to us so I'm glad to see some rewards fall your way!
got mine in friday they are big bottles and a pallet full congrats to you guys!
so is this still going or did i miss it, i loves me some energy drinks!!!
These drinks are the sh!t!!!

I haven't seen these in the local gas stations yet! Is this contest still going on? I want some!
Hey Guys,

I'm glad you are enjoying the score! The fifth and last weeks winners are.....

Darin Kessler
Jerry Sun
Shain King
Adam Taylor
Lindsey Griffin

I hope you guys enjoy the drink and maybe some of you will even share around the board. ;)

I appreciate your participation in this contest and stay tuned for the next one!

Clay @NX