Front end noises???


New member
Aug 10, 2010
Ive owned my 03 for about 8 months now and the entire time it has made strange noises coming from the around the front axle. I can only hear it with the windows down, out both sides, and it normally only does it speeds under 40mph either accelerating or slowin down. The only way I can explain it is it sounds like an electronic actuator of some kind. Ive never noticed any problems from it just kinda curious to see what you guys thought it might be.
Yea it's got aftermarket wheels and caps but theyre all tight
Usually odd noises are the inner bearings that hold the stub shaft centered or it is rust stuck in the backing plate, worst case is a bad bearing...
Thats the problem tho ive been through the front to check the bearings and axle seals but theyre all good. Thats why its hard to exlplain what it even sounds like, nothing that i have found is wrong with the truck it just makes the odd sound
Is it a vibration too? Like driving over the bumping on the side of a highway?
No vibrations, Ive got the basics covered (vibrations, bearings, loose parts, etc) im just wondering if it has anything to do with the crazy vacuum hubs setup
I dont think it would make what im hearing, but im gonna check into it
I pulled and plugged the vacuum lines to the knuckle and it still hasn't stop So I think it's safe to say that's not it