Great payout Billings MO Labor Day Weekend

It was talked about at play day and you was there. It wasn't a request by me to run water. If you look at Missouri State's rules they allow water also.

The class rules follow right along with other associations throughout the country with very little differences.

As along as you stay in the class that you are signed in under and don't jump classes you get paid where you place. There will not be any class jumping Saturday night so there will be no confusion on this.
According to the website it says "no water injection". And in 2.6 class weight is 8000# and Saturday night at crane yall made weight to be 8500#. Which is it? We still making up rules before the pulls? And if rumor has it about your are illegal by sprayin water? Just sayin.
Andrew why don't you ask a couple of the guys that has been pulling all year if the rules have changed at all mid-season. I didn't make the rules nor did I ask for any of the changes in the rules. You are correct that they are allowing 2.6 to be 8500lbs.
Since when has "water injection" ever been allowed? O wait it hasnt been until this year until certain people got involved in "2.5, 2.6" class. No other association that i know runs it. Some people need to stick to spacing distributor caps to high and ruining a motor and other things.............

Water Injection was always allowed in diesel trucks in our association. If you look at the 2011 rule book it is allow in it as well...........
Thing is this isnt Missouri state association nor is it 2011. Last i checked it was smttpa and 2012. Ya i was there at play day someone said something bout it that was it it was never disgust there at least i wasnt told about this discussion anyhow. Allowing class to be 8500 when rules say 8000 doesnt make dam since cant even follow own rules.
I think there is to much finger pooping of each others asssholes in the Billings area to pay attention to the rules.
Since when has "water injection" ever been allowed? O wait it hasnt been until this year until certain people got involved in "2.5, 2.6" class. No other association that i know runs it. Some people need to stick to spacing distributor caps to high and ruining a motor and other things.............

I answered the question that you asked. *bdh*

When? Ever since we have had a diesel class
Who else? Missouri State
My truck passed tech at State Fair and Ozark Empire this year.
Follow the dam rules the way they are on the website no water injection and a 8000# class not 8500. And as for pay out if a 2.5 truck pulls in 2.6 and beats a 2.6 so be it. Wherever that truck places they should get paid for it. And for yall takin money out of my pocket in workstock when i have a dam 2.5 charger is horse **** Saturday. When i first signed up yes i had a 2.6 charger but since dropped down and told numerous board members and other pullers. So i could be more competitive and enjoy the pulls. But now when i go i have to worry whether or not im gonna get the shaft when it comes to pay.
The rules that I have explained is what we have went off of all year and there has been no problems at all.
In our association if you bump into the next class because it's not a full class (5 trucks) you get paid after the trucks or tractors that are designated for that class. For example if there are 3 2.6 trucks and you move up into the that class from WS you are pulling for 4th place money regardless if you beat a 2.6 truck. That is the way the rules have been for 3 or 4 years. That stems back to tractor classes in the past when they was having a hard time filling classes.

With the WS class being a new class this year and the association trying to follow along with what other associations are doing so that we can attract more pullers and have our trucks similar to others as well. Obviously there has been changes made but they were done before the first pull of the year. If you have a question don't be afraid to ask someone on the board. That is what I done.

Saturday they had you signed up as a 2.6 truck because that is how you signed up and pulled at the first of the year. You have not pulled with us since you put on a smaller charger. With that being said it is fine that you do that and drop to WS but in that case you lose your points for the year in 2.6 and have to start over. For instance in Crane last weekend the way you was signed up which was for 2.6 if you was beaten by a WS truck you would have gotten paid above the WS truck. The ladies at the sign in table wasn't aware that you was dropping down into the workstock class.

I'm sorry for the confusion and we tried to resolve it. I have tried to be as helpful as I can and explain all of this to you. I would appreciate it if you would give me the same respect on here as I have given you and quit with the personal jabs at me. That is not very sportmanship like and I don't appreciate it.
The rules that I have explained is what we have went off of all year and there has been no problems at all.
In our association if you bump into the next class because it's not a full class (5 trucks) you get paid after the trucks or tractors that are designated for that class. For example if there are 3 2.6 trucks and you move up into the that class from WS you are pulling for 4th place money regardless if you beat a 2.6 truck. That is the way the rules have been for 3 or 4 years. That stems back to tractor classes in the past when they was having a hard time filling classes.

Thats funny its never been enforced until this weekend. And if that's the case then all the times ive pulled 2.6 and you or somebody else placed higher then im entitled to some money i never got.....correct???

With the WS class being a new class this year and the association trying to follow along with what other associations are doing so that we can attract more pullers and have our trucks similar to others as well. Obviously there has been changes made but they were done before the first pull of the year. If you have a question don't be afraid to ask someone on the board. That is what I done.

Changes? I wasnt aware that we were allowed to run water? And in the one and only rule book ive seen this year. It says no water injection.

Saturday they had you signed up as a 2.6 truck because that is how you signed up and pulled at the first of the year. You have not pulled with us since you put on a smaller charger. With that being said it is fine that you do that and drop to WS but in that case you lose your points for the year in 2.6 and have to start over. For instance in Crane last weekend the way you was signed up which was for 2.6 if you was beaten by a WS truck you would have gotten paid above the WS truck. The ladies at the sign in table wasn't aware that you was dropping down into the workstock class.

Ive had that Turbo on before mt vernon but yall wouldn't know that cause yall dnt tech.

I'm sorry for the confusion and we tried to resolve it. I have tried to be as helpful as I can and explain all of this to you. I would appreciate it if you would give me the same respect on here as I have given you and quit with the personal jabs at me. That is not very sportmanship like and I don't appreciate it.

Yes you are and I have made that very clear if you can show me your pay outs where we beat you and you got paid less I will be more than happy to cut you a check. I have told multiple people this and I stand behind this. I don't cut the checks or have anything to do with it but I am willing to pay you any prize money I received that I shouldn't have.

I have never cheated a person out of a dime and never will. I haven't built the reputation I have in business and personally as being a liar nor a cheater.
I want association to pay not u.

Now correct me if im wrong, if a truck comes from north, south, east west. And pulls and beats Jim's 2 trucks and darrell. They are only getting 4th place money in 2.6 unless they pay for a membership fee then they get the 1st place money.
Now correct me if im wrong, if a truck comes from north, south, east west. And pulls and beats Jim's 2 trucks and darrell. They are only getting 4th place money in 2.6 unless they pay for a membership fee then they get the 1st place money.

Wrong, the only time you will be paid behind other trucks is if you bump to a different class. So if a non-member comes here and pulls 2.6 only and wins he gets 1st place money. Now if someone comes and pulls WS and jumps in the 2.6 class they will be paid after all the 2.6 trucks.
$20 hook fee for members
$35 hook fee for non-members

All of the issues you had came from class jumping. Since we don't always have full classes we jump around and that has caused the problems. If we have 5 trucks in the 2.6 class there is no jumping allowed.
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No truck may be a member in 2 classes. Once you switch classes you have to re-member up. That is why he agreed to letting you now be member in WS by using what would have been your winnings Saturday night. He was trying to keep the peace.....

By now being a member as WS you give up your points in 2.6 for the year and start from scratch.
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Andrew you will need to talk to all the president and the board. You can't run for points in 2 classes. I don't think there is an association that you can. I've tried to be as helpful as I can. Like you stated before I have only been doing this for 1 year but I feel I have answered everything to best of my knowledge.
Thats not what was said saturday night because I asked that very question.

I was there and this is how it was explained. I even double checked with other board members that are not in these classes and what I have explained is correct. I'm trying to help here. I want to see the trucks and the competition. That is what makes it a sport. It's no fun to pull against yourself.
Leah and I where wanting to come down, But if we cant pull in 2.6 and Open class it makes it really far to drive for 12 seconds of fun. If we do get to bump up to the Open class and there are 3 other trucks in there we get 4th at best correct, which pays nothing. Just looking for answers before we make the trip.