Great payout Billings MO Labor Day Weekend

So what your sayin now is that if a guy comes into pull wins first place and doesn't pay a membership fee they get first place prize money. But yet someone that has supported the association all season isnt goin to get money. That is stupid. Who made these rules and what is in the water over there? This association has went to chit.
Open class is a whole different deal. It isn't a sanctioned class and is open to all. You can bring a truck with a blower motor or twin turbos for it.
Ok Thanks. Well we will see you Saturday night. You think there will be a good turnout?
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So what your sayin now is that if a guy comes into pull wins first place and doesn't pay a membership fee they get first place prize money. But yet someone that has supported the association all season isnt goin to get money. That is stupid. Who made these rules and what is in the water over there? This association has went to chit.

When we pull Spring River and win we get first place money, it's no different than us. I'm not a member with them. Non-members just pay a higher hook fee.
Ok Thanks. Well we will see you friday night. You think there will be a good turnout?

Saturday night!!!! Should be, I know a lot of guys that are coming. There isn't any other associations having a pull that night.
When we pull Spring River and win we get first place money, it's no different than us. I'm not a member with them. Non-members just pay a higher hook fee.

So if i dnt member up next year and come to pull and win i get the money in either classes?

Thats no different than a workstock truck going up a class and placing. Same chit different excuses.
Only the class that you fit in unless there is an open class. Same rules apply to non-members. If you jump up to another class because it's not full your pay scale starts below them.

When I pull with Spring River I sign up in the 2.6 class, I don't WS with them because of the 15mph speed limit they have.
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Does everyone else understand the rules???

This is the way it will be at Billings since there will be no class jumping.

Whatever place you place in your designated class is what you get paid for member or non-member

Hook fee: Non-member $35 member $20

Open class is open to ALL trucks, gas or diesel

2.6 and 3.0 run together in the same class. Per the change of the rules and 2.6 truck weight is 8500 and 3.0 7800

All Diesel trucks can run dual tires and water only injection

It's pretty darn cut dry and simple............
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That's retarded running 2.6 and 3.0 together. Esp at different weights. Rules say according to website 8000# why the hell would you have that big of a weight difference in the 2 in the same class. Thats like putting a prostreet truck in with street stock and sayin go for it.

Thats stupid to get paid last if you jump up a class. No wonder stokes was pissed off at jasper. Yall con him into pullin up then dnt pay him for it. Thats phuckin stupid.
Our truck will not live at 8500# Letting the truck with the light drive line pull at 8500= broken truck. But we will try to make weight. Dont know where we are going to put 500Lbs?
We have a combined class because there aren't that many trucks that pull on a regular basis and we are trying to open it up to get more pullers.

Those are the rules and you are free to choose whether you want to pull or not.
Our truck will not live at 8500# Letting the truck with the light drive line pull at 8500= broken truck. But we will try to make weight. Dont know where we are going to put 500Lbs?

Most of them don't weigh 8500. Most guys pull at 8000 but it's there if you want it.
Sounds good. Will look goofy but I think I can hang weights off both sides of my box. Always wanted to hang like 2100#
Andrew, I don't know exactly what took place the other night but I do know what the payout argument was all about. And I know that Dwayne, Phil and Rob have been working to correct the confusion. I also know Phil said yesterday that if he has been paid money that should of went to you then he will write you a check for what was suppose to be yours. I honestly do not see where there has been any hanky panky and all I see is these guys trying to fix the problem. This new class and all of the class jumping has made things really confusing this year. But from what I understand the rule on class jumping and payouts has been in effect before there was any diesel classes even in this association.

And this whole deal with you does not effect me but I have made it clear that if there has been a screw up I feel it needs to FIXED and you need to be taken care of. I don't see where anyone has been trying to screw anyone and I don't see any hanky panky. But I do see there has been some bad confusion and the board members realize this now and they are trying to fix it. I am not siding with anyone. You all are my Friends. I just believe what is right is right and it all needs to be made RIGHT if there has been mistakes made. So in other words I have said over and over that Andrew (You) needs to be taken care of and Phil or Rob can tell you I have made it clear how I feel about that. You just have to give these guys time to go back and figure it all out.

I think Phil is a pretty stand up guy to voluntarily offer to write you a check for anything he has been paid that should of been yours. And if they go over all of this and find that Tyler has beat you in the 2.6 class he will owe you that money too since he is a WS member.

Now for the 8000# weight limit in 2.6 class. That is a misprint and I brought that up on Play Day. I asked if we changed the weight limit and I was told NO by the Dwayne the President. He told me that was a misprint and the weight limit for that class is 8500# same as it has always been.

And you were the one that pointed out the "NO WATER INJECTION" to me at Play Day. And if you remember correctly I went right up to Dwayne and asked him about that he did not even know it was in there and he said it was not suppose to be. I walked right back over to you after that and told you what Dwayne said.

So both of those misprints were discussed and taken care at Play Day before any official pulls actually started.

Now I will say that these misprints should have been FIXED on the website. But if you look at the website it is does not get updated much. But none the less it should have been changed.

I think there has been a lot of mis-communication this year. And I have made it clear that I think they need to get your deal fixed and all of the rules posted with the corrections that was made the first of the year before the season had even officially started. This stuff needs to be CLEAR and there needs to be better communication and understanding of the rules. PLAIN and SIMPLE.......

I had been begging Dwayne to start a diesel class for a couple years before it finally happened. And if not for Jim stepping up I don't think it would have happened for a few more years. Then last year people were begging for a WS class and we got it this year but it has been one issue after another. I just hope the board don't get fed up and decide to do away with it next year.

I feel everyone just needs to set back and give these guys a chance to do there jobs and get things straightened out. Once it is straightened out and everyone fixes these little issues things will get back on track and hopefully run smooth from then on.

I want to see You, Tyler, Jim and Amy at ALL of the pulls. You all are my friends and competition is what makes this worth doing. Otherwise people would just be pulling against themselves and what fun would that be to the pullers or the crowd.

People make mistakes. But good people admit to those mistakes and will fix those mistakes once they realize what has happened. And you may not think so right now, but these are all Good people and they will all do what is right.

Phil told me yesterday that he feels ALL of us diesel guys need to get together after this season and go out for dinner and sit down and go over the rules and get everything hashed out. That includes You, Tyler, Jim, Amy, Phil, Myself and anyone else that pulls or wants to pull in our association.

Whether you want to believe it or not, all these people you think are trying to do you wrong are actually wanting everyone to get along and be happy and have fun.

I would think out of everyone running in the Diesel Classes Jim would understand things do not run smoothly all the time since he has put some events on himself. There are bumps along the way that have to smoothed over. And the people running things do not always see those bumps until they cause a wreck. That is when the Good ones step up and take care of things and make it all right.

I hope you give these guys a chance to get this all lined and you ALL continue coming. I HATE seeing turmoil and problems like this. I have been upset over all of this just because I do not want to see any of you stop coming.

OK I am done with my novel... LOL
Thank you Darrell :clap:

That was a nice novel :poke:

I'm with you 100% Things don't always go smooth but it can always be worked out. Where there is a will there is a way.

I hope that we can get any of the rules that are in question ironed out this year and have it all in print for next. We are the new classes with an new sport that is growing. There are going to be growing pains along the way but if everyone is willing to work together it will all be fine.
Saturday night!!!! Should be, I know a lot of guys that are coming. There isn't any other associations having a pull that night.

I have been running the pulls in Worland for the last 5 years & the diesel class is nice to be able to jump classes. As was stated earlier people who drive a long distance like to get as many hooks as possible. The payouts were easy if you won work stock you got pais for winning work stock. If you pulled 2.6 & won you also got paid for winning 2.6. We are not part of a points game but I am sure a rule could be in place for points. Trust me I know how hard it is to try and please all parties! Keeping things simple works for us. Good luck on Sat night!:cheer:
I pointed out to you darrell that i had 2 sets of rules that they gave me. I brought u set you looked thru it and pointed out to me that it said no water. I then told u its been like that. U went to dwayne he changed it no discussion end of story. We went on yada yada. I agree there needs to be a meeting in the off season to get the rules straight forward for next year. The president and diesel pullers only. The one thing that pisses me off the most is not following rules and payout. Take Jasper for ex. When stokes was asked to pull up in prostreet to fill class and then not get paid for 1st place. Nobody is gonna bump up a class for nothing, where u place is where u place and you should get paid for it. Plain and simple.
I agree but this association have had those rules in place before there was even a diesel class. That may be something that gets addressed this winter at the meeting. It all started with the tractor guys and they made it the same for all. On the other hand if you have only a 2.6 truck and make the same drive you wouldn't like a WS truck knocking you out of your money and getting paid 1st for both classes. It doesn't really matter to me I go to have fun. If you build a pulling truck to make money you might come up short :lolly: