helium - what are your thoughts?

I had a buddy from Green hill Kentucky when I was in the service. His Grandpa had a farm. I don't think anyone told him it wasn't legal. LOL

i dont think anything is illegal in green hill
Is this next years plot on Justified? Bennet's old shop goes legitamite? Boyd Crowder goes to work in "the helium mines"? Rayland hunts down counterfeit "slipless Antifriction" clutches?
Is this next years plot on Justified? Bennet's old shop goes legitamite? Boyd Crowder goes to work in "the helium mines"? Rayland hunts down counterfeit "slipless Antifriction" clutches?

i wish i had seen that show so i could think of a proper comeback
On the show "Mags Bennett" (Margo Martindale) controlled the weed trade, Boyd Crowder was the ex-military/ex-miner who mined with Rayland who liked to blow stuff up, and Rayland is the old "Cowboy/Marshall". Wasn't meant to be a personal attack, just popped into my head when I read you were based out of Kentucky and the others brought up pot legalization.
On the show "Mags Bennett" (Margo Martindale) controlled the weed trade, Boyd Crowder was the ex-military/ex-miner who mined with Rayland who liked to blow stuff up, and Rayland is the old "Cowboy/Marshall". Wasn't meant to be a personal attack, just popped into my head when I read you were based out of Kentucky and the others brought up pot legalization.

i didnt take it as an attack, all good!

sounds like a good show actually :lolly:
I really enjoy it. Every country kid new of somebody that grew up in a place like "Green Valley" where the show supposedly take place.
Had to look it up. FX. I know I seen it on showcase and somewhere else but up here with Santa's elves we get different shows on different channels.
alright ill check it out.

i take it nobody wants to put helium in their trash bag over the intake??