Help I'm too Drunk to Drive!

I was just Oraling coal.... now Im oraling dudes....


On a serious note. If you're in Redding CA, or in Las Vegas during the SEMA show. Let me know if I'm at or near the same party you are at. Who said don't let drunks ride in the back of the truck? I have a story about that! :bangLOL
really, who doesn't love greasy food at 2 am

Me. I only eat it when I'm hungry and out of options. TS is the ONLY time I even step foot into one.

You know how I said I was looking forward to meeting you? Yea... Not anymore

Why would I give up the shape I'm in to eat at terrible restaurants? You can keep your waffle house, I'll keep a 6 pack through the summer... :poke: Of course I'm about 6 weeks out from that, I won't start to cut for summer until I return from TS! I already know I'll be drinking so much theres no point in trying to start now. LOL
:D Sorry, forgot about the cult like following waffle house has. But it was a serious question. Being above the Missouri compromise line, i have never been to one.
What is this waffle house you speak of? Like ihop ?

Friends don't let friends eat at Ihop! It's to bad, I live in California, so I can't stop you if you eat at Ihop. We have no Waffle House. I love their all you can eat menu! It was almost the whole menu! Brilliant! I'm not sure if they do that anymore.

However, when I visit the mid west I don't eat at the Waffle House anymore. Nor do I eat at Ihop, or Denney's.
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:D Sorry, forgot about the cult like following waffle house has. But it was a serious question. Being above the Missouri compromise line, i have never been to one.

Ya what he said, we don't have those questionable establishments up here.
Waffle house was built for early bird elderly and 2am drunks! Did I mention I had a knife pulled on me at the Waffle House by Holiday Inn at TS a few years ago? Pretty awesome time.
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