Help I'm too Drunk to Drive!

I am too drunk to drive... I need to be picked up north of dallas and brought to TS!!
Of course you would have to talk my wife into me going as well... Who is up for it?!

If you're too drunk to drive, you're too drunk to ask permission. :rules:

I may have to amend my number. My phone bricked itself today. No reason or rhyme. Was sitting in the office desk while I was outside working. Replacement should be here by 10am tomorrow or the Verizon store will have Mexicans in there playing football with the heads I knock off.
A good DD only asks "Which bar or hotel?" From there, all other questions are off limits. :hehe:

Maybe a case of informing rather than asking. Word the statement in a way that, as you leave mind you, she is sitting there pondering if it was a question or not and if she answered it.
I just met, timbo, wideopen, Darren, robinson, and a few others. Tons of fun so far!!!!
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I just got here, lots of people in the parking lot, cops were here when I got here, gonna be a good weekend

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I'm calling it a night. Cops have came and went, Straps have been hooked and broke, and my truck bed turned into a community phuckin dumpster. Gotta prep for tomorrow night.
Me and Neal rolled through at about 11:30 in a silver 3rd gen and we got looks like we could be raped so we rolled out haha.

Oh yeah and we got oraled on by two powerstrokes... I have you on video so don't deny it whoever you may be lmao
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Anybody staying at the ramada, or is all the cool people over at the la Quinta? I just got up and looked out the window and first thing I saw was that fruit from coal rolln diesel drive by in his obs with a tiny trailer behind it.

Btw if anyone is staying at the ramada and gets trashed my buddy is staying sober so we can probably get you back
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I just got up and looked out the window and first thing I saw was that fruit from coal rolln diesel drive by in his obs with a tiny trailer behind it.

I want video of you guys givin' him the soap in a towel beat-down from Full Metal Jacket with audio of him screamin' for his momma.

Anybody staying at the ramada, or is all the cool people over at the la Quinta? I just got up and looked out the window and first thing I saw was that fruit from coal rolln diesel drive by in his obs with a tiny trailer behind it.

Btw if anyone is staying at the ramada and gets trashed my buddy is staying sober so we can probably get you back

Me logan and jon are at the ramada, i got to laugh at big daddy douchbag at breakfast.
I wondered who that was that got escorted to the elevators lmao

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