Hesitation between shifts

Sweet bra... The only douche here is you. And you're a prime example of the coal oralers we don't accept here. Btw how much hp you get from takin your silencer ring out and flippin ur tow mirrors up. Fuking jacka$$

You're one to talk. You know nothing about what this guy has done and he's asked a legit question and answered ones posed to him. Unlike you and your Allison trans issues, he seems to be listening. You came out guns blazing and now you're too much a dipchit to back down. Puff that chest out more, it makes you a bigger target.
LMAO.. Keep telling you're self that

Ha. Glad I'm not the only one who realizes what a tool he is.
I got my issue figured out. It was in my axis defined tables. Did some studying up on what those actually are and was able to get everything acting right. Anyways, thanks for the help.

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