Hood stack part II: Completion


There's no love in diesel
Oct 11, 2008
Well a good half days of work and my hood stack is completed. Looks sharp and LOW noise. Can't here it in the can hardley any. I'll have pics up tomarrow on here or I'll post them on my myspace and give yall the link. Also I'm bout to finish up a 75 ford crew cab dually that's got a 354 Perkins diesel and duce and a half 5-speed trans. Pics of that soon. Keep an eye out for the pics guys!!!
"dtg's profile is set to private. This user must add you as a friend to see his/her photos"
devin, they're not on your page??
send them to me and i'll post them
Ok they are up. Chase please postthrm in the thread. I'll have more later. Oh and if you still got my myspace info set to public please.
it works

any more pics

and you cut your good hood?? wow more guts than i got
Yes I have more but iolaidubg takes forever. I'm in class and I get cruddy service on my iPhone. I'm workin on it guys. Thanks chase!