How did the security work this year?

I had a great time at the pulls this year. I didnt make it to the drags. It was my first time down. I didnt meet anyone from the forums but I had no clue who anyone was. I thought security was pretty good. The only thing that bothers me is people absolutely cannot clean up after themselves. The Hampton Inn in Franklin was very quiet. I definitely will return for good fun next year. Thanks TS!
I like having a beer or two but I wouldnt have a problem with a dry event and cooler check. Plus..... party for the staff at the end of the day after the cooler checks! :rockwoot:
I have been to every TS event and I always enjoy them yeah there is a few ppl that gets out of hand and the colder weather and misting rain made not as fun but if you think TS is bad go to the Schieds Event every drunk idiot shows up there
Its things like TS and Scheid that give people like myself a bad name. Trucks covering everthing in mud all day in the parking area, kids going up there and reving trucks up ever ten freakin seconds, and the glass bottles and everthing. We ended up leaving with a truck covered in mud on the front and windshield from some nice person. At 19 I wish these kinda things would slack of a little so maybe when im a little older I can still attend these events.

And a thanks to the TS crew for the work and great show.
Thought the event was great. Didn't really see any goofing around to much. You can't stop all of it even without booze. So I don't think you could have asked for things to go much better in that department. Banners are going to get stolen. From my standpoint I had them made as cheap as I could expecting them to be stolen. I think most other vendors did the same. I would like to get them back but if someone takes it and slaps it in the shop. I'm good with that!! Congrats to TS for a great event all around. Glad to be a part of it and looking forward to next year.
whats the tools name and home city? I think everyone should be aware of who the idiot is!

he is from greenville. Ky. ive settled things on my own terms and as long as he pays me ther wont be any problems. hes lucky his friends came and told me what happened or id be out looking to beat the hell out of someone. he was drunk beyond stupid.
he was drunk beyond stupid.
Don't feel to sorry for those idiots. It doesn't always work out in your favor when dealing with those drunk idiots. Trust me I had plenty of time last year to think about how much I very much dislike descructive drunks that lie. I have no sorrow for people who get wasted and do stupid things. I have been completely hammered before and still knew what I was doing the entire time. I think some jail time for them would whip them into shape.
Some dummy at in a red ford was cutting ruts by the pulling track. Dennis caught him but Im not sure what happened to him. Everyone applauded Dennis for his policing

this put a smile on my face!!! when dennis says no he means NO!!!!!!:rockwoot::rockwoot:
Glad it went smother than last year for the TS crew! Wish I could have made it. Looks like the extra security paid off! :D
he is from greenville. Ky. ive settled things on my own terms and as long as he pays me ther wont be any problems. hes lucky his friends came and told me what happened or id be out looking to beat the hell out of someone. he was drunk beyond stupid.

No kidding. Greenville huh? Who was it? If you don't want to give names, what does the douche drive?

Was Rodney there, Brett? I figured he would have already posted up some vids if he was. I didn't even go i figured it would just rain and i have to many bad memories from TS 09 and rain...
I didn't see Rodney, Hopefully he was there and made Video. It drizzled just about all day and right up till 6:30. It was a good truck turnout. The later hooks in 2.6 definetly had the advantage. Glad they pulled 2 tracks or it would have lasted till 3:00am.

I had no idea that was your screen name Brett. :bang LOL

Some dummy at in a red ford was cutting ruts by the pulling track. Dennis caught him but Im not sure what happened to him. Everyone applauded Dennis for his policing

One of my friend's who had Dennis's personal cell # called him and told him he needed to come hang around that area because the guy was repeatedly sitting in place throwing rooster tails all over pedestrian's and trucks passing by. It was long after Dennis rode over in the general area that the idiot backed out of his spot and did it was nice seeing Dennis jerk him out of that truck and eject him from the grounds! :clap: :bow:

I got to deal with that idiot along with the Franklin Police. He gets to repair the fence next week...

I know its been mentioned before, but I cannot remember your standpoint Dennis/Shelia... could we not ban alcohol from the events and mandate cooler checks? :what: I for one could care less if alcohol wasn't included.

We were about 4 trucks down from that idiot!!!! Gave Dennis a round of applause for that!

Bad part is.....It was his truck!!!!

All in all, Idiocy was WAYYYYYYYY down!!!! What ever Dennis and Sheila did WORKED!!!!! Hotels were calm as could be, bit of muddn around, but the rain didnt help that any. Drag races were calm, Pulls were a bit more Rowdy due to the late start, but it was realy nice to just be able to walk around and not worry about getting hit by some idiot rev'n his truck up every 5 seconds!!!

I partially agree Jeff....idiocy was almost non-exsistant at Beech Bend....I heard one guy did a burnout on or close to the return road and was ejected shortly after :clap:

The idiocy was still in some abundance at the pulls in the parking area...hard to say if that would have been lower without the rain or not?

Dennis & Sheila dispite the weather I had a good time this weekend, I enjoy the TS Outlaw event because its so close to home for me that I don't have to take off an extra day of work just to drive to the event. Here's to hoping the weather decide's to cooperate next year!:Cheer:
No kidding. Greenville huh? Who was it? If you don't want to give names, what does the douche drive?


yes sir. his last name is Mallory. im not sure what he drives. but i got his phone number and he apoligized for it and is suposed to pay me for the tires, but no i dont feel bad for him or nuthing cuase he was drunk, trust me i wanted to beat the hell out of him but i handled it like it needed to be. he just better hope he pays me. Some folks from Muhlenberg co. dont like me. Im from Ohio co.
We saw the guy peeing on the building, the sad part was his buddy was about to do the same thing until he saw the cop running for him. We saw the guy later and he didnt have much to say.
our hotel was kinda crazy few burnout but please grow up with blowing smoke we were sitting down in chairs by our trucks minding our own powerstroke blows smoke all over us please dont do this ,,, thats just childish and flat out uncalled for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
diesel smoke is like beer you have to use it responseable