How many 800+ VP trucks are out there?

subscribed. Anyone remember the guy makin over 900 back in 06 07? Single B1 and lots of N20.
From what I heard Adam Winslett was between 600 and 650 on fuel when he broke 1000. I don't know this for a fact but that is what I have heard. I believe he was running a lightning vp from Schied.

It was making 734 #2 only with the street injectors and a single. I never Dynoed the big ones without nitrous. It should be more now since it's got good compression in all 6, and an aftermarket cam.

Winsletts truck makes I think 740 or so on the motor.I know ran like an 11.80 with a 1.9 60 foot at like 116. Im going off memory so dont qoute me. His truck is apart about to get a new motor. He had a droped valve seat and craked pistons and a few other problems.

Mr Chris Sutton, Lets get your chit in gear! Im not going to quit bugging you.

It ran 11.56 @117 1.86 60' spinning all four past the lights #2 only. 275/60/20 Nitto Terra Grapplers are a bad choice for the drags

Ya Jeep guy lets get your truck back together!!!!!

I wanna say 6x016's or ddp comps can't remember

Nope neither, but they began life at Scheids. We played with them a bit:evil

he's running a 66/71 isn't he?? gottat love those 71mm wheels....... the exact point I was making in that other thread about 1400egt, you just can't beat the low drive 71mm wheels........

The turbo is a High Tech PS66 off the shelf.
Jet Pilot was in the 800's, maybe in the 880's but that brain cell is out of orbit right now, so I don't recall the exact #----chris