Howdy from NJ


New member
Nov 30, 2010
Hey folks,

Just figured I'd check out the forum. I'm a regular on DTR, but well...I get bored easily at work, so here I am. Looks like a great site so far!

My beast:


Basically, I bought the thing stock last year with 130k on the clock...the only modifications the original owner did to it was a full air ride system and a magnaflow exhaust which dumps out in front of the rear wheel.

Since then I've dropped out the auto tranny and converted it to a 5 speed, changed the turbo housing for a little less lag, changed the injectors to Bosch 190s and tuned the pump for about 30 PSI.

Anyway...hello! :)

where in this great state damon ? cear grove here....... time for a Hooters meet up soon..
Welcome. I hope you are in eastern Jersey...I was in the west for two weeks and no one would come see me. LOL
I'm pretty central...Princeton area. Rarely see any other 1st gens here.

Saw one that was the same color as mine recently, though, except it was an ex. cab and a dually. Like mine's big brother. ;)
Mike hes down by me. he always goes to the wawa on georges road in dayton. lmao. about time ur on the forum
ha, nice, heck with hooters, time for a get together whakem and stackem kind of way.
Kai, I've definitely seen your truck, and looking for it lead me to this site, as you don't see too many new Fords with Cummins badges on the side.

Sabbath, is that your truck I see at the S&S in Dayton sometimes?
yeah thats me at stop and shop. kai knows me and my buddy bart pretty good
That's cool. Thanks for the warm welcome!

My truck has been kicking my ass lately.

I swapped to a 5 speed a while back and since then have had a vibration. The 3rd time I pulled the tranny I put in the original clutch again and the vibration went away...but now I have to do the clutch again because it slips. 4th time is a charm? LOL

Then, my starter went out the other day. I managed to replace it and get to work, but apparently my wrench took out my dipstick tube. Which sucks, because now it's leaking some serious oil.

Fix one thing, fight another. Grrrr.