Idaho Falls Pull the 20th


Diesel Alcoholic
Oct 12, 2008
Who is all going,I am heading up in the morning to get on the dyno befor the pulls :rockwoot::Cheer:
It was a good turn out, I think there was around 45 trucks. I will get some videos posted up.
thanks to cumminsx for the video. i didnt want to post it
we had to change out the converter and injectors saturday morning before the pull. i had a 2500 stall that burnt up friday night, and the only one that was around was a 1600 or so stall. the sticks were way smaller than mine, but still a lot of fuel. i was just happy that the turbo even lit at all. we have it figured out now, i just need to find a GOOD converter that will last more than 1 pull:bang
I have to say thanks to Dominator Performance and Turbo Performance Products

YouTube - 6-20-09 Idaho Falls sled pull, 2.8 class
wastegate opened like is should, i dont think the boost was where was it should be (too low). shift points are still too close so i grabed 3rd instead of 2nd when i shifted, so i had to pull it back to 1st at the end. just glad we got the r's out of it this week. she was singing!
Did you happen to get a vid of my truck? White single cab duramax in the 2.8.

I didn't, I had hoped to get it all on video but I ended up running around a couple of times, I will post up the rest of them in a few. I only got a few 2.8 guys and a couple work stock.
wastegate opened like is should, i dont think the boost was where was it should be (too low). shift points are still too close so i grabed 3rd instead of 2nd when i shifted, so i had to pull it back to 1st at the end. just glad we got the r's out of it this week. she was singing!

shifting? i dont know much about truck pulling, but isnt it illegal to shift
i heard the tech guy is kind of a jerk!
Looks good guys, wish we could have made it. had some last minute problems and would have been late getting there.