Insurance Co. drops client B/C its a sled puller!!!!!

wow thats screwed up

not to say it's not screwed up, but EVERY insurance policy i have ever had on any vehicle i've ever owned clearly states in it that they do NOT cover things such as : acts of god (flooding, earthquakes etc) and things such as damage occured during off road driving or if vehicle is used in any sort of motorsports activity.

as far as them dropping his coverage completely that is messed up unless it was stated in his policy, however as long as he's not trying to claim any damage that occured during the actual sled pull then i would say that's pretty chicken shht of the insurance company.
Most insurance companies wont drop you they just wont cover you while you are on the track or pulling! If anything happens while you are pulling or racing you are on your own but most people know that!

Most have been an agent in the crowd that recognized you - bummer - never heard of anyone getting canceled just for participating!

I'd find another company!


exactly what i was thinking, the actual event would most certainly not be covered, but to completely drop the policy makes no sense..
that would be like them cancelling your policy just because they found out you locked your front hubs and took the truck off road on a hunting trip or to the sand dunes for some four wheeling... the offroading damage may not be covered, but it's no reason to cancel the entire policy..

that sucks...
i'd be looking for someone's ass in this situation
I hear a lot of dealers that come to the pulls and they see all the trucks that brake. Come Monday the truck comes in on warranty and then they tell them they saw them at the pulls and there getting voided. Talk about suck.
At a ITPA pull, they required us to show proof of insurance. What i question is, isnt that what part of the entry fees are for is insurance because they carry their own insurance and the pullers are covered. I have country companies and are agent is a family friend so that might help, but he said i am covered when pulling plus if i was to wreck my truck, i am covered as the truck sits in terms of the aftermarket goodies. I just have to show reciepts for proof and somethings like machinework will be prorated for how long it has been done. When i raced 4 wheelers, i had a new yz450 and he told me that if i wreck it racing, to just call and say i was riding on the farm and hit a ditch or something to that effect that he didnt want to know what really happend. Tim
i believe by 'carry their own insurance' they are talking about medical for the entrants if they were to get hurt or something like that..

good luck breaking your truck during a pull and getting the event coordinator to pay to repair it !! that would be like john force asking the NHRA to pay for his rebuilds after every pass.
good luck breaking your truck during a pull and getting the event coordinator to pay to repair it !! that would be like john force asking the NHRA to pay for his rebuilds after every pass.

i dont think anyone was looking to be covered if they damage the truck during the pull (Unless i missed something)

Its just that fact noone asked for a claim, they just dropped him B/C of...

hear say? or someone being vendictive or even a employee in the crowd

Its weird
I think the insurance providers for the pulls want the trucks to be street trucks many of times. To verify that they are street trucks they require plates, and proof of insurance.
I think the insurance providers for the pulls want the trucks to be street trucks many of times. To verify that they are street trucks they require plates, and proof of insurance.

Agreed, this is why they do it.

Maybe this isn't the right place to ask the following question but I don't think there's a better thread for it, so here goes...

Have people thought about worst-case scenarios when pulling and what would happen afterwards?

I know the promoters have insurance for the event, but I'm going to have to assume that this covers them against negligence on their part. I highly doubt it covers the competitor at all (someone please correct me if I'm wrong).

Now, if we all know that most personal vehicle policies aren't going to cover jack shyte even on the vehicle, then they probably ain't gonna cover anything else....

So, worst-case scenario, some heavy chunk comes flying off your truck and nails someone and injures them.

Are we wide open to all liability?

I am going to take a wildass guess and say that as long as you had all the safety equipment required by the promoter/fairboard/sport, etc., (and it was in good working shape and built correctly and substantially) then you would not be criminally liable.

However I would have to think that we could all be sued for whatever happens in civil court. Wrongful death, injury, loss of ability to work, whatnot, that's all on us.

Correct or not?

If correct, does anyone on earth offer a policy for this? And can anyone afford it?
Agreed, this is why they do it.

Maybe this isn't the right place to ask the following question but I don't think there's a better thread for it, so here goes...

Have people thought about worst-case scenarios when pulling and what would happen afterwards?

I know the promoters have insurance for the event, but I'm going to have to assume that this covers them against negligence on their part. I highly doubt it covers the competitor at all (someone please correct me if I'm wrong).

Now, if we all know that most personal vehicle policies aren't going to cover jack shyte even on the vehicle, then they probably ain't gonna cover anything else....

So, worst-case scenario, some heavy chunk comes flying off your truck and nails someone and injures them.

Are we wide open to all liability?

I am going to take a wildass guess and say that as long as you had all the safety equipment required by the promoter/fairboard/sport, etc., (and it was in good working shape and built correctly and substantially) then you would not be criminally liable.

However I would have to think that we could all be sued for whatever happens in civil court. Wrongful death, injury, loss of ability to work, whatnot, that's all on us.

Correct or not?

If correct, does anyone on earth offer a policy for this? And can anyone afford it?

Well said. We have a pull coming up not too far away. I called and inquired about it, they wanted the usual vertical exhaust, then started talking about air shutoffs, kills etc. Said they are required. I asked how many trucks they had last year, they said 15 or so. When I got off the phone, I laughed, I can't think of 15 trucks in a 2 hour radius that has this equipment on. I am sure they are covering themselves as they had no clue who I was and I am sure their telling me this in case I was somebody with the insurer or something. I have lots of stuff on my 600HP truck.
Loops, Shields, tranny blanket, fuel kill, air kill, for two reasons.

1. I don't want to have to look a kid in the eye and say,"sorry you lost your eye, I was too f'in cheap and/or lazy to put on a u joint shield, however I had plenty of time and money to spend on my $1000 injectors to make my truck run better"
2. The fact that I don't want to have to deal with a lawsuit for lawsuit. Anybody who knows me knows how cheap I am and trust me it is cheaper to just put the saftey equipment on the truck than it would be to hire an attorney for the day.

Prices for saftey equipment.
With probably 25 hours of work, and less than $1000 dollars you could have a blanket, air shut off, and ujoint shields.
I think I have less than $500 in mine the air shut off and the blanket were the big hitters.

Use a $15 blast gate and you can probably be less than $400 even.
Use well casing, or go to your scrap yard, surely they have 6" pipe laying around. Engineered Diesel has a nice air shutoff that is pretty reasonable and could be used on a daily driver.

Rant over!

So lets hear some ball park prices from Citadel on the coverage that would cover a pulling truck for theft, collision, liability, medical, vandilism(I swear they vandalized my truck, the pan hit so hard and the track was so tacky it blew my rear end to bits!)
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My neighbor Dirtslinger just had this happen at bowlingreen. He was running his 3 turbin modified tractor and the 45,000 dollar gearbox blew apart and sent 8 people to the hospital. He said that the NTPA certifies them before they can even pull on the track and that they carry all insurance for the pull except pullin tractor damage abviously. That is why they pay dues and entry fees to pay the insurance. Basically the orginization obtains the insurance to meet their needs and the pullers pay them back for it. In a sue happy world though, it is best to cover your own butt thats for sure.

Tim, so you're saying that NTPA covered all the medical stuff for him and he didn't have to pay for anything? That's pretty dang good.

I'll call FullPull tonight to see how they do theirs.

On edit: I bet the certification means a lot. I wonder if NTPA would have denied coverage if they would have found anything out of spec after the incident investigation. I'll bet they're covered, but only after meeting all the provisions.

Like when you go to a pull that requires shutoffs and the techs never even lift your hood....wonder what would happen then. I bet they'd dump you like a hot rock.
NTPA doesn't mess around. Requiring cables around the engine and all.
Be Aware

Guys - Im just not pushing our association's services but please check your coverage on your truck and your diesel shop.

Since we have been offering coverage to our members at a discount, our company that handles that (Citadel Services) has found that almost all are not properly covered by their policy!

You still keep on paying on it but if you try and make a claim not only will they deny the claim but cancel your policy immediately!

Through NADM, Citadel will cover any diesel vehicle and diesel shop, they specialize in analiziing your coverage - both own diesels and compete!

Check them out on our web site under "new to nadm" or call your local agent to check coverage.

Just last month they found a shop that was covered as a oil/lube shop instead of full service and the trucks were covered as delivery vehicles - anything happened - they wouldnt be covered! Get it in writing and be truthful or it won't be covered.

Our member's insurance discount runs anywhere from 15% to 50% of what you are currently paying.


Wow, Might have to get some info on this!
As of now, no he is not responsible for anything. Yeah, i bet if something was found to not be up to certification, then all responsability will be on the puller. Could the individuals try to come after him later, i dont really know the answer to that one. Pretty hairy deal though. I guess the next night a prostock did the same thing. It did have the cables around the motor, but i heard a spectator carried the head and cable back onto the track. I will go over to my neighbors tonight and talk to him some more about how this stuff works. Tim
I guess if something was in doubt, you'd have to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that your stuff met or exceeded spec. That muddies the waters to where no fault can really be found and it could take years...kind of stuff ya see on TV where the plaintiff argues that the sanctioning body did not do enough tests, did not tech enough, did not document the inspection, etc.

The way insurance companies are these days I am surprised that things aren't more stringent at the track.

The way things are these days if JQPublic gets hurt, there will be hell to pay.

The direction we should be heading as pullers, IMHO, is to agree that we have the obligation to comply with the letter of the law, or else good luck.
........ He was running his 3 turbin modified tractor and the 45,000 dollar gearbox blew apart and sent 8 people to the hospital.


I SAW THAT!!!!A world class event like that, with techs and SFI out the wazoo, and bad things still happen.
I talked with Full Pull tonight and the jist of it was as we talked about above.

If you truly comply with all the rules, then you are covered, with what sounded to me, like a pretty healthy policy. It is not a $100 million policy, so if someone is suing for that amount, well, you'll probably need your own lawyer.

FPP did say that they have the proof of insurance with them at the events, and within reason, if someone needs to see it, they can talk with FPP about it.

However, if you try to slide something through that is iffy, you put yourself in a gray area. I guess it should be obvious that you are at the mercy of the insurance company, not FPP - and as such you have to recognize that insurance companies retain lots of professionals whose job it is to make sure that claims are paid for good reasons.

So, for example, you sign the waiver stating that you have no cast iron parts in your clutch, and it blows up and spews chunks on someone - if the insurer finds out it indeed was cast iron, then you would be on your own.

So the dealio is, comply fully with the rules, and you should be good to go for most of the things that happen at the track.

RJ might chime in here if I've mis-stated anything.

Hope this helps.
Yeah its pretty crazy that they blew that gearbox apart. That thing is hell for stout but Bill said that the 3 turbins are are almost too much for the drivetrain to handle. At least they had good luck with the Arias tractor. Anyways, what about like Scheids show this weekend. Friday is ITPA but what are they doing for Saturday. Who will have insurance for that?