It's tranny time, Give me your $.02

You got my vote in that pm earlier. Dave Goerend all the way. He has lifetime warrenty on his triple disc and 3 years on the trans. He will build you exactly what you need if you are honest with him. Wish I would have went that route.
Rob_Bones said:
Rumor has it, that HTS uses all Sun Coast internals. How much truth is behind that?

They do use Suncoast convertors. They get there internal parts through the same distributer that Suncoast does.
HTS all the way for me.

I looked and the others out there and couple buddies had goerend's trans and components.
I have to say I was impress with them, until I got my HTS vb in my truck when it was just allitle tougher then stock trans, even then liked the vb from HTS better the my buddies goerend's trans, and now that I have had a HTS full trans for over a year and I drive my truck like its race day even pulling my 16' cargo trailer; ask Bruce Block about that he can confirm.
I love my HTS tranny and man does it feel awesome. It is your choice but HTS is climing the ladder in top tranny's fast.
Holler at Tim Barber in Virginia Beach. His service is spectacular. He's also experienced with different vendors hard parts. For his liability, I can't name them all, but he's very much in the know with all the vendors mentioned in this thread. PM me for his number.
Well guys here is the deal...

I have talked to Tim, Dusty, and Dave . All seem to be nice guys on the phone and all of them took time to talk to me about my truck and its use.
I think I would feel comforatable with any of them as I dont have any doubt they all build a good one.

One of the three is about a $ grand higher than the other two and then.....

I also have a local trans. builder that has been in the business for years and I know personally and have talked to him about a build using all hardparts that would be used in the others and he says it wouldnt be a prob and I know he will take care of me after the sale. He is about another grand less than the other guys and it's installed too. Keep in mind this guy is 20 min away.
( flamesuit on)

Any thoughts......
I would want a written contract that he will stand behind it and guarantee it will hold the power that the big guys will. Whose convertor and VB will you be using? Is he just going to install a shift kit. Things like that can make or break the deal in my opinion. Just my opinion, I've been down that road before and got burnt bad.
be careful not to get caught between an installer and the parts maker....its a really BAD place to be........two great warranties between people blaming each other equals no warranty! me,,bama
Mountaineer said:
Well guys here is the deal...

I have talked to Tim, Dusty, and Dave . All seem to be nice guys on the phone and all of them took time to talk to me about my truck and its use.
I think I would feel comforatable with any of them as I dont have any doubt they all build a good one.

One of the three is about a $ grand higher than the other two and then.....

I also have a local trans. builder that has been in the business for years and I know personally and have talked to him about a build using all hardparts that would be used in the others and he says it wouldnt be a prob and I know he will take care of me after the sale. He is about another grand less than the other guys and it's installed too. Keep in mind this guy is 20 min away.
( flamesuit on)

Any thoughts......

No Flame, just keep in mind that the local guy has no clue what the other "Cummins Specific" builders are doing inside the trans to get the durability and performance.

I lost a 47re sale this summer to the exact scenario, but the same customer bought a converter from me. We tuned his truck up a bit by adding a turbo and sticks.... nothing elaborate a set of mach 4's and a 64/14 turbo. Stacked his comp with S0-3 and a FASS fuel pump. 7,500 miles later we are taking the trans out of the truck.

The builder that was local and cheaper wa in his lat 50's and has been working in the tranny rebuilding industry for over 30 years.... go figure. Keep in mind DODGE / Chrysler never even figured out how to hold the torque of the 5.9 LITER.

There are many ways of getting the trans to hold up. I can tell you for sure that HTS build Different than SunCoast, and Gorend is different then them.... If your towing or just driving Any of them will give you durability.
IF you are going DRAG Racing or street playing similar I'd Take my 47/48RE to HAWK.

Opinions mean nothing, it's still your dollar.... Spend it wisely.
I got Tim Barber to build my DTT, well worth it! There's more to a tranny build that these guys do than just stick a torque converter, valve body, and some hard parts in and send you on your way. I watched Tim as he put my tranny back together and he explained all the little tricks that he was doing and why. Imo I wouldn't go with "joe shmoe" just cause he can do it for a grand cheaper with the same parts:badidea:
Rest assured fellas. It will be from one of the first 3 mentioned, Lord willing.
Mountaineer said:
Rest assured fellas. It will be from one of the first 3 mentioned, Lord willing.

and for no other reason than curiousity, why rule out #4 ?
JacktheBear3 said:
and for no other reason than curiousity, why rule out #4 ?

Well these comments kinda helped steer me away...

Dazed&Confused said:
I would want a written contract that he will stand behind it and guarantee it will hold the power that the big guys will.
I've been down that road before and got burnt bad.

JacktheBear3 said:
just keep in mind that the local guy has no clue what the other "Cummins Specific" builders are doing inside the trans to get the durability and performance.

behrdzl said:
Imo I wouldn't go with "joe shmoe"

And I guess ....

behrdzl said:
all the little tricks

is what costs the extra K ..
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Mountaineer said:
Well these comments kinda helped steer me away...

And I guess ....

is what costs the extra K ..

I thought you there were (4) tranny builders that were reccomended and one of the four was off your list. Go back up in the thread and you will see where my misunderstanding came from......

The grand is nothing when the first issue settles in.... all the Diesel Focused vendors on CompD are gonna take care of business if something does. Best part is they know what's coming and normally cover all the bases plus.

JacktheBear3 said:
I thought you there were (4) tranny builders that were reccomended and one of the four was off your list. Go back up in the thread and you will see where my misunderstanding came from......

Your were right. There were (4). Dave, Dusty, Tim, and the Local guy.
Mountaineer said:
Ok guys, The stage III Pheonix 47re finally bit the dust.
It did hold it's head out of the water for a little bit:hehe:

I kinda would like to keep it an auto, unless I could do a 5sp swap for alot less than what a built auto will cost.

I am looking at.....

G. brothers

Any reason not to throw in a 48 instead ?
Anybody have anything for sale that might be up my alley?

Ohh... I went to the top of the post and saw this list. Just wanted to see who you cut from this list of (4), I did not see Other Guy in there.

No Problemo