It's tranny time, Give me your $.02

JacktheBear3 said:
Ohh... I went to the top of the post and saw this list. Just wanted to see who you cut from this list of (4), I did not see Other Guy in there.

No Problemo

Ok, I see. I also kinda xnayed the suncoast .
I do have to ask. Whats up with the dead bird?
Mountaineer said:
Ok, I see. I also kinda xnayed the suncoast .
I do have to ask. Whats up with the dead bird?

To some it may be a dead bird.... To others, it's the beginning of good home made Chick Soup.

Copy ?
Ok guys for whatever reason I feel like I'm on the edge ready to jump but am having second thoughts on which way to jump.
I narrowed down to one trans,(pretty much) but during this period of indecisiveness I called the " Local Guy " just to ask a couple questions and to my suprise his warranty is for the same length of time the other guys is except his warranty includes parts and labor.

There is just alot to be said for having some one 15 minutes down the road.
If and when something does go wrong with any of the other builders its either make a 16 hour trip to have something fixed or pull it out and ship it off.
Also, where am I at after the 2-3yr warranty runs out with all these guys?
Cough up another 5k for another or what ?

By the way after doing some more checking, some of these " Cummins specific Builders " warranties don't include labor, don't warranty shafts, and warranty does not include misuse, neglect, Abuse resulting in broken, fractured, or sheared shafts/gears, Damage to the front pump due to mis-installation or misalignment of the torque converter, improperly adjusted tv cable and all other things included in the Improper Installation clause. Which the Improper installation thing kinda has me worried seeing that I will be doing the install. And to top it off....
warranty to totally void if not installed by " A state certified mechanic "
Well I guess that excludes me :hehe: