Listie Grove PA 6/25

I happen to think it sucked! I broke the first pull. Then didn't make the next 2 hooks because a jackazz messed up installing my locker. LOL Other than that, I liked the event. LOL
Lincoln electric locker, good to go!
Just got the word, we are in for sat at newbethlehem! C-ya all there!
Sorry guys, I'm out. Got some jobs lined up for the weekend and helping Rob fix his junks. Gotta make some coin to support my habit.LOL
Where's new bethlehem at? Some friends of mine was talking about fayette is anyone goig there Saturday?

Piss on Fayette and their no weight BS!

Its about an hour drive north of us, straight up 119 for you to 66 and on up, just like going to the track, only further!!
Piss on Fayette and their no weight BS!

Its about an hour drive north of us, straight up 119 for you to 66 and on up, just like going to the track, only further!!

The rules do suck, but I gotta support the hometown fair.
YEah, no doubt, i do the same for our fair, we got no smoke class and smoke class!!!!
This gotta be one of the longest threads on comp d?
Hope your leavin Special Ed at home!! LOL!

Should be interesting! Glad Matts makin the trip with us!

Bill, keep the trailer warmed up and you celly on! Time to crank things up a bit!!

I won't even bother unhooking the trailer.