Listie Grove PA 6/25

Takin some time off here, gotta pull the rods out and straighten them with the ball peen and get it back together.
Same here taking the weekend off. Got alot of anti flame flower tuning to do.
Saturday nite at west overton the r having a tractor and truck ull excet its not a westmorland pulll but from the understanding I got the westmorland sled will be ther starts at 7 pm
yea kevin i will be there.

sorry for the mis understanding i was just told that westmorlands sled will NOT be there it will be there own personal sled i believe it is identical to the sled of bullskins
It will be the old Zitny sled, remeber the old red POS from smithton a few years ago, that sled Anything with somepower and grons speed hooks to it it will break!
yea i di bill got it in at bout 6 on friday and loaded it and took it to sewickly grange and then saturday at fayette county fair.
yayayya THURSDAY big pull clearfield!!! illl be there, char bring that ***** up u dont getta got hook on zitney sled its way lite or way heavy and matt bring that flame thrower up to clearfield aHAHHAHA FLOATING FLAME

Weather premitting

Triaxles and Watertrucks(only about 8 to 10 total)

Diesel pick-ups ??????

Street semi's

(triaxles could be after twd if we get a bunch or a bunch of water trucks show up)

only want about 10 vehicles before the 3 lucas classes.

This is what I was told a few weeks ago.

Any issues let me know.

Anyone have any info on what class exactly???
Looks like my truck will have a new ass in the seat at Deep Creak.
yayayya THURSDAY big pull clearfield!!! illl be there, char bring that ***** up u dont getta got hook on zitney sled its way lite or way heavy and matt bring that flame thrower up to clearfield aHAHHAHA FLOATING FLAME

I cant hang with the twin turbo'd and unlimited singles. Also truck is torn down trying to fix flame problem. Hoping I can get it back together for a test hook Sat night. Damn rookie Ppump 24valve mistakes!!! :nail: