Lithium-ion batteries for the race truck...


Captain Negativity!
Apr 22, 2006
Just a thought that popped into my head. The Li-Ion Polymer batteries are supposed to be lighter and smaller but offer a higher power output. I wonder if I get some batteries from say maybe a hybrid escape or possible prius, put them in parallel like we run now, I wonder what the weight savings could be. I mean the stock group 65 size batteries are quite heavy now. Taking that weight off the nose and putting it in the back.... Hmmm. Just a thought.
Ok. So a downside from wiki-pedia.

At a 100% charge level, a typical Li-ion laptop battery that is full most of the time at 25 °C or 77 °F will irreversibly lose approximately 20% capacity per year. However, a battery in a poorly ventilated laptop may be subject to a prolonged exposure to much higher temperatures, which will significantly shorten its life. Different storage temperatures produce different loss results: 6% loss at 0 °C (32 °F), 20% at 25 °C (77 °F), and 35% at 40 °C (104 °F). When stored at 40%–60% charge level, the capacity loss is reduced to 2%, 4%, 15% at 0, 25 and 40 degrees Celsius respectively.
They even have a limited edition Carbon Fiber/Pink model. Kinda like breast cancer awareness. And we, well Me, support breast cancer awareness. And even just support breasts in general.

Just call up Optima and run a single battery in the back.
I know its an important item. I'm saying its not a crazy outrageous price for the battery and braket kit. And it only weighs 21lbs. Lighter than an optima. Alot Lighter than stock if I put 2 of them in the truck.
I hear ya...
I will never use stock batteries again...Just the chance of having them overcharged, or anything else that might cause them to spill on your truck would not be very nice at all.
In saying that, I have run the Optima red tops for almost 3 years, and hate them. Just yesterday, I cycled the key twice to heat up the glow plugs, and then cranked it go. They have never really "Held" a charge for some reason. Maybe I should try the yellow tops.
Oddessey. Just big and badass. But they are HUGE. And they cost around 300+ each.
those little batteries look like the ticket for a racetruck... would you run it in the box, or being that light would you keep it under the hood>?

All kidding aside..I'd opt for the Optima. Other than the slow charging rate they are great batteries. I've had them in every truck I've had, except for my current one, for the last 14-15 years.
I was looking at the others for the light weight. Hell my fat ass isn't even going to drive the truck. I want it at light as possible.
I agree with that. It is hard enough to get these trucks light as it is, so anything you can do is good
