Looking for Mesquite wood delivered to TS

Yes, I plan to smoke beef with it. I don't run 100% mesquite; I use white oak and toss a few chunks of mesquite in at the beginning. They last around 3-4 hours. I recently switched brisket seasoning to just salt ground with peppercorns.

I've always wanted to dry the salt/pepper only method but never can seem
to pass up my rubs. Did you notice a big difference?
Yeah, the comments around the table of my test group (who have all had my normal rub before) were along the lines of it's fairly incredible meat and much cleaner tasting than the normal rub. The whole brisket was gone in 20 minutes. The finer the pepper, the hotter it feels to me. Grinding the salt and pepper together (2 TBSP salt : 1 TBSP pepper) helps the consistency of both powders.
Yeah, the comments around the table of my test group (who have all had my normal rub before) were along the lines of it's fairly incredible meat and much cleaner tasting than the normal rub. The whole brisket was gone in 20 minutes. The finer the pepper, the hotter it feels to me. Grinding the salt and pepper together (2 TBSP salt : 1 TBSP pepper) helps the consistency of both powders.

I'll have to give that a shot - along with Jory's "championship" rub. I've been using a lot of John Henry's pecan rub
I get that a lot too.


That championship rub is worth a try...I promise. It is great. I'll have to use my phone to view your pic. Network is blocking it here. It must be a doosey.
I'm the same way Brandon... Kosher Salt and Cracked black is all I use.