Measuring rack travel.


New member
Jan 15, 2008
How are you doing it?

I would like to make sure that I am hitting my stock rack plug before I bother putting the 2095 plug in it.

Weston (Smokem) had a bunch of info on rack travel posted in a thread from a while back. I'm not sure if it's still around or not, but you could try searching under his username.
I have read all of everyone's threads on AFC mods to gain rack travel, they mention that they now have x-amount of rack travel after the mods, but they don't say anything about how they are measuring it..
Not the complete travel. You must measure it from the off position, not the idle position.
In that case, do you have any ideas as to why it wouldn't be travelling as far as it should be?

I have tuned my AFC to bottom out at at about 25 PSI with shop air, and the boost line that goes to it is in good shape. Governor lever possibly?
AFC barrel ground, washer with the lip is on the back side, thin fender washer on the front side. Low boost fuel screw is only touching the rod.
It used to run a significant amount better than it is at the moment, seems to be the only variable that I have messed with.
try adjusting it for differnet psi and see if it changes. is it laggy or smokey now? once you do these mods on these trucks you pretty much gotta drive them and tune them at the same time. weston would probably agree. when me and him talked a while back he suggested just taking it for a drive with some tools in your back pocket and drive it how you wanna drive it and adjust as you go til you get when you like.
That's what I have been doing. I have all of the tools to adjust the AFC and the actuator on my VGT laying in the boot for the 4wd shifter. Right now it feels like it runs pretty good. But I feel like it has some more in it just gauging by how it has run. I have some theories that I need to test on my turbo, and then I will move on to the AFC.
back pre-boost screw out.... take spring out of AFC and stretch approx 1/4" with 2 pair of vice grips... reinstall it.

set AFC full forward, throw plate in garbage.

set starwheel so that it has enough tension to stop spring from moving back and forth... just enough to pinch it ever so slightly.

then, play with your preboost 1/8 turn at a time in or out till you find the sweet spot. and i mean 1/8 turn @ a time... this is a very finnicky setting, too much and lag... too little and lag...

get me ?
I was playing around with an AFC out of a 97' 180 pump the other day and noticed that the starwheel limits afc foot travel whenever it is adjusted more than 1/3 of the way rearward in the allen plug opening.

If I were you, I'd turn the starwheel towards the motor (screw it in or top of wheel towards motor) till it's almost even with the front of the threaded allen plug opening.
take the plate and the arm off the pump and take it for a test drive. it may put the fire out on the bottom but the top should be the same power wise.
screw the starwheel, pull out the plate and coat with honeymustard, back off the pre-boost screw and top the plate with it. serve cold with beer
Ive been having trouble dialing in my truck for the last little while too..... My super hx40 doesn't hit hard until after 20psi, and Ive done everything mentioned in this thread and several others to figure out my slow spool.

On a side note: Does anyone know what the purpose of the slotted triangle piece on the front of the AFC? I messed with it a little but have always put it back to its original position. Its offset so when you turn it. It will either raise or lower the AFC arm slightly.
On a side note: Does anyone know what the purpose of the slotted triangle piece on the front of the AFC? I messed with it a little but have always put it back to its original position. Its offset so when you turn it. It will either raise or lower the AFC arm slightly.[/QUOTE]

it is for your start interlock/release . its adjusted for when your pump goes into stating fuel and when it goes out . its for start up .