Meet and Greet Ohio

Sucks that you have to go during the holiday season Joel, but stay safe and we will see you when you get back. Think of the time you will have to dream up what in store next for the truck.:poke:
Double J said:
I'll be back mid July...after IRP of course. :doh:

Keep your head down over there....we'll see you when you get back. Hopefully, by then I can give you a run for your money at the strip:D

Well, my truck is up and running good, so if nothing else comes up I think I'll be able to make it.

Keep your head down over there....we'll see you when you get back. Hopefully, by then I can give you a run for your money at the strip

X2 Well, minus the give ya a run for your money part. :hehe:
woodsrat said:
bringing any of the other firepunk guys??
Some of 'em are still in the fields. I have Turkey Day with family from KS or I could make it. I miss coming down there for those.
Truck is still in pieces....but I'm gonna hit it hard and try to get it running. If I don't though, I won't be there.

I really wanna get it running this weekend:D Haven't driven it in 5 months:(
I could allways come pick you up if you wanna go. I'm in the same boat as you though. Truck has been down for over two months now. Finally coming together though, should be firing it this evening.
I've got another truck I could drive...but I'd rather get the truck running:D Thanks for the offer Chris, I appreciate it!

Right now, I'm waiting on a water pump...and that's all. I have everything else I need (I think) So I'm going to get as much done tonight and tomorrow as I can, and see what happens!

If I get mad and need a break, I might run over there!
I'm still at work...the truck is out in the shop. I don't think the boss would like it if I went to work on it during business hours.

Starting on it in a few minutes, when I finish some things up!
Looks like I won't make it guys. Got truck running last night and it's loosing a ton of oil between the block and head in the front. my guess is the machineist didnt machine the grooves deep enough in the block because it's not leaking compression or water.
Chuck, I'll get with you sometime next week.
Just give me a call chris, I have the asphalt crew shut down and I'm back in the shop everyday now so if you need me to meet you no problem.

New Era Diesel