Mid West Diesel Nationals - June 30th

Yes Dirty Max won, both red light, Dirty Max less.
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You're lucky my truck broke down. haha:evil j/k I was hoping to get to line up against you in an elimination round.
But I agree the facility is really nice, and we would have liked to see more competitors there. Regardless we had a good time.
Also wanted to give another thanks to the guys who towed me off the track and back to the pits. :bang

Got home yesterday about mid-day. Left sunday moring early and drove to Butte Mt. About 940 miles. It's was 106 in Miles City, MT wind blowing about 50mph and very smokey as the entire eastern part on Montana looked to be on fire. I got stopped for speeding right outside of Miles City for doing 83 in a 75. Cop told me to slow down a little as it was too damn hot to stand out there and write me a ticket. 1700

Lynn it was nice to meet you and we had a good race in the time trial. I had turned up my truck a notch since I had ran a 12.3 the first round and spun badly off the line. Used less boost the pass against you and we both broke out. Went back to level one and used less boost that seemed to work pretty well.

We'll see you in Ennis.