Miss TS Outlaw 2010

Bye Now

Apr 22, 2006
This year we will be adding a bikini contest to our list of festivities. There will be prizes awarded for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place. The winner of the Miss TS Outlaw 2010 will also appear in magazine ads, and will do show appearances throughout 2010.

1st place winner - trophy & $1,000
2nd place winner - trophy & $500
3rd place winner - trophy & $250

Rules will be up on the TS wesbite soon.
so what event will this be taking place at the drags or pulls and which day friday or saturday?
It didn't say anything about having to be a woman. Can John Robinson sign up?


Sorry John, I just had to do it ;)
michael you just can't let that pic die! :hehe:
For the Love of God Sheila, Please say the contestants HAVE to be a WOMAN !
The rules will be up on the TS website soon, and YES you must be female :hehe:
Great plan Phil. :doh: DOesn't Mrs. Baker attend TS quite often?
Yeah like once...LOL Plus I'm sure no one here will tell on me...LOL