Miss TS Outlaw 2010

We had some girls with our group warming up last year for the new event. Either that or they were trying to trade tit$ for tires, I dont recall.
The rules for this are simple & strict

No nudity
Full bottoms - No thongs
Must be female... Hence the title Miss TS Outlaw 2010
Suits must be appropriate - instant disqualification if not
No, it's not really John, but it sure does look like him. I shot the photo while on my way to meet John, BFD99 and others at SEMA 2009. When John saw the photo he said "holy sh!t, that looks just like me!" I'm not sure if he meant that he had the same outfit at home... I've gotten to use the photo in at least 3 threads now ;)
The rules for this are simple & strict

No nudity
Full bottoms - No thongs
Must be female... Hence the title Miss TS Outlaw 2010
Suits must be appropriate - instant disqualification if not

blah boring rules!!!
We had some girls with our group warming up last year for the new event. Either that or they were trying to trade tit$ for tires, I dont recall.

sigh ... don't remind me. This will not happen again this year
This year we will be adding a bikini contest to our list of festivities. There will be prizes awarded for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place. The winner of the Miss TS Outlaw 2010 will also appear in magazine ads, and will do show appearances throughout 2010.

1st place winner - trophy & $1,000
2nd place winner - trophy & $500
3rd place winner - trophy & $250

Rules will be up on the TS wesbite soon.

And please have a minimum standard.

The rules for this are simple & strict

No nudity
Full bottoms - No thongs
Must be female... Hence the title Miss TS Outlaw 2010
Suits must be appropriate - instant disqualification if not

blah boring rules!!!

I'm glad that there is some guidelines as far as how appropriate the ladies have to dress. I'm sure that this will be a huge marketing plus for TS Performance, as well as yet another incentive to bring people to the event. But, it saddens me that there is nothing in the rules about having to know anything about diesels, or racing, or anything else. Simply, the prettiest girl wins. I got a thing inviting me to participate in the Boost Bunny 09 contest, and I declined for the same reasons that I disagreed with here.

Maybe someone someday will have a "Best Diesel Girl" contest and have them compete in things like head bolt torqueing, and injector r&r. Things where bra size and thigh diameter don't matter.
I'm glad that there is some guidelines as far as how appropriate the ladies have to dress. I'm sure that this will be a huge marketing plus for TS Performance, as well as yet another incentive to bring people to the event. But, it saddens me that there is nothing in the rules about having to know anything about diesels, or racing, or anything else. Simply, the prettiest girl wins. I got a thing inviting me to participate in the Boost Bunny 09 contest, and I declined for the same reasons that I disagreed with here.

Maybe someone someday will have a "Best Diesel Girl" contest and have them compete in things like head bolt torqueing, and injector r&r. Things where bra size and thigh diameter don't matter.
Not that you don't make valid points...

But when have bikini contests ever been about anything other than looks? Even "beauty" pagents only give lip service to it being about something else...
......Maybe someone someday will have a "Best Diesel Girl" contest and have them compete in things like head bolt torqueing, and injector r&r. Things where bra size and thigh diameter don't matter.

That would get my vote. Something like that would weed out a bunch of those "pro" bikini contest girls. As I get older, stereotypical hotties have become kind of boring.

(OMG...I really AM getting old! Somebody send me boobie pic's----Quick!!)
Not that you don't make valid points...

But when have bikini contests ever been about anything other than looks? Even "beauty" pagents only give lip service to it being about something else...

That would get my vote. Something like that would weed out a bunch of those "pro" bikini contest girls. As I get older, stereotypical hotties have become kind of boring.

(OMG...I really AM getting old! Somebody send me boobie pic's----Quick!!)

Well, Nick, the lady who wins will be "representing" TS Performance, and probably couldn't even tell you what all was included in an oil change. It just bums me out a little.
Matt, you are my hero.
I agree with you Anna... But the HSGs will attract more attention from the guys flipping through Diesel Power that someone that actually knows what's going on. Those guys don't want a chick that knows more than themLOL