Miss TS Outlaw 2010

For those disqualified for not meeting the appearal rules, will there be an alternate contest for them? LOL
will wardrobe malfunctions be frowned upon ? agreed to the weight max limit, dang that is some serious cash bein given away, should be good.
how about there be a "miss TS outlaw" and a "Miss i think i know more than diesels about you because greggo let me act like i was working on project x for pictures in diesel power"
TS was the first diesel company to use models in their marketing materials.
It is actually kind of funny, because people ask Dennis how did I feel about that. His answer was it was her idea :hehe:

Models and the automotive industry have gone hand in hand for years. As long as models are used in good taste and project a positive image I think it is a great idea.

Take our TS fuel girls for instance. All Kentucky girls from right here in Bowling Green. Two went to school with my son since kindergarten, and one is actually a spouse of one of our engineers. All of them actually do have some knowledge of a diesel, what they dont know they are always surrounded by our sales team at events that can answer any questions.

should've known this thread would get trashed up in about a min.!
I think an old single retired guy should be one of the judges, (me).:D

Frankly I've never seen a woman who knew anything about diesels that I would want to look at in a bikini. Mind you I'm sure there are some of them out there, but I've never seen one. If one of you diesel ladies wants to enter go for it, the fact that you know how to torque a head would be a plus in my book.
Most I've came across in my life knew how if you know what I mean:hehe:. Granted there was that one girl...

I thought long and hard about that before I posted it and was wondering how long it would take someone to jump on it. 1 hour and 37 minutes, longer than I thought.:rolleyes:
I'm glad that there is some guidelines as far as how appropriate the ladies have to dress. I'm sure that this will be a huge marketing plus for TS Performance, as well as yet another incentive to bring people to the event. But, it saddens me that there is nothing in the rules about having to know anything about diesels, or racing, or anything else. Simply, the prettiest girl wins. I got a thing inviting me to participate in the Boost Bunny 09 contest, and I declined for the same reasons that I disagreed with here.

Maybe someone someday will have a "Best Diesel Girl" contest and have them compete in things like head bolt torqueing, and injector r&r. Things where bra size and thigh diameter don't matter.

Very good points, although as some have pointed out it is typical. Based on the early descriptions, I thought the Boost Bunny contest would be different (as we were one of the sponsors). I honestly didn't follow it that closely, but I had heard that it was more of a professional model type (with limited diesel knowledge/ties) that won. Why don't you enter the contest at TS, and when you get up to speak you can talk about your real-world hands-on experience? I'll bet it will count for a lot with the judges. Heck, maybe part of the contest can be a quiz-show approach, testing the contestants on their diesel knowledge? Kinda like a diesel version of "Jeopardy" but with skimpier clothing ;)

At the bikini contest at Indy a few years ago, I was standing at the edge of the stage chatting with David Dunbar (then race director of DHRA). I was admittedly snapping photos of the whole thing. I was disappointed (as was David) when the crowd started chanting "skin to win". It started with small flashes of boobs by one girl then another. Neither one of them was IMHO anywhere close to the looks of a couple of other girls, but the two flashers ended up as the finalists. I chatted with the gorgeous non-finalist girl after she left the stage, and congratulated her on keeping her top on (and told her that she deserved to win). By the end the two finalists had completely pulled up their tops and were sliding their bottoms around and flashing. There were two dads with 4 or 5 year old boys near the front of the crowd, and both of them left as soon as it started getting raunchy. I'm no prude, but there is a time and a place for that kind of behavior. Chatting with people backstage afterwards I learned that both finalists were strippers, although they both had boyfriends who owned diesels.

TS was the first diesel company to use models in their marketing materials.
It is actually kind of funny, because people ask Dennis how did I feel about that. His answer was it was her idea :hehe:

Models and the automotive industry have gone hand in hand for years. As long as models are used in good taste and project a positive image I think it is a great idea.

Take our TS fuel girls for instance. All Kentucky girls from right here in Bowling Green. Two went to school with my son since kindergarten, and one is actually a spouse of one of our engineers. All of them actually do have some knowledge of a diesel, what they dont know they are always surrounded by our sales team at events that can answer any questions.

I've had that same conversation with Dennis ;)

I think your use of models has always been very tastefully done, actually showing gorgeous girls without putting them in a G-string. My daughter frequently looks over my shoulder while I'm reading diesel magazines, and I have found myself having to skip over the pages of ads from some of the other companies. I'm not sure, but it almost seems like it got worse during the recession, as companies were trying anything for attention.

Sheila - what do you think of the "quiz show" idea above?

I think an old single retired guy should be one of the judges, (me).:D

Frankly I've never seen a woman who knew anything about diesels that I would want to look at in a bikini. Mind you I'm sure there are some of them out there, but I've never seen one. If one of you diesel ladies wants to enter go for it, the fact that you know how to torque a head would be a plus in my book.

Ken, you just don't get around enough, or aren't paying enough attention! Heck, there was a really cute girl in Boise at the finals, who it turns out has a CR Dodge with twins (my girlfriend allows me to notice those things as long as I don't touch or drool). She has a thread on here in "Introductions". Heck, right in your hometown is Chelsea, wife of Joe (CSIPSD), who has installed exhaust and changed turbos and injectors on a Powerstroke, and looks quite good in a bikini (she wore one at a previous diesel gathering). She used to come on the forums a lot more, but she had her share of stalkers as a result. There are a few cute girls who work at G&J Diesel in Billings (they were working the G&J booth at the last race up there). Heck, one of them is a damn good bracket racer too (I lost to her in the semi-finals at that race).

That would get my vote. Something like that would weed out a bunch of those "pro" bikini contest girls. As I get older, stereotypical hotties have become kind of boring.

(OMG...I really AM getting old! Somebody send me boobie pic's----Quick!!)
LOL ! When I first became single again (after 10+ years), I managed to get a few dates with 20-something hotties (who knows what THEY were thinking in going out with an old 40-something geezer like me). While the first one or two were fun, I learned that I didn't have anything to talk to them about, nothing in common. Although some were stereotypical bimbos, one was even a pharmacist (just graduated), but I still didn't "connect" with any of them. Although my girlfriend is still a few years younger than me, she's at least close enough to remember some of the music I like ;)
If I were hiring for positions such as tech support, customer service, engineering dept, etc. knowledge of diesels would of course be the major concern along with education, etc etc.

The winner of this contest will be required to attend events, sign posters, hand out literature and will be required to do a photo shoot for future promotions ( posters, catalogs, etc ) She will hold the title of "model".

As far as any girls pulling what was done in Indy a few years back, they will be escorted from the premises. The guy in charge of this Eddy Cebreco will have a zero tolerance policy for any conduct of that nature. We respect the fact that children and families will be present and this will be done in a tasteful manner.
Sheila, I'm glad that you are insisting that this is a tasteful thing, and I can respect that it is a marketing strategy just like a flashy logo, or an easy to remember slogan. But, to use Michael's example, I want to be reading an automotive magazine and have my daughter look over my shoulder at a girl working on a vehicle, not wearing an attention grabbing outfit and posing in front of that vehicle. I want my son to see that too, because I would like to think he won't grow up to objectify women. Yes, the "TS girls" in the add you posted where all tastefully dressed, but they are also all platinum blond and skinny. Not a single one of them is a realistic representation of what a "normal" woman looks like. My daughter will grow up to be a beautiful woman (that's not just because I'm her mom, everyone who meets her is blown away by her looks) but, I don't want her to think that in order to be considered beautiful in the eyes of the world she has to wear size 2 pants and a 36DD chest.
As far as me entering the contest, I don't think I will. If I were competing with other "real women" I might. I am not ashamed of wearing a bikini, and in fact spend alot of time in one during the summer, but, my body is not up to par by professional model standards, and I think that my time is better spent on other pursuits than being a hardbody with 0% body fat.
Omg. Chill out Anna. 99% of diesel enthusiasts are dudes. Real manly men! If we are wanting to see chicks with trucks they need to be smoking hot babes! I'm not gonna lie when I'm flippin thru the mags the orange county diesel ads catch my eye. Hell I could find the little ad from the exhaust company with the chicks on the tailgate before I could find my own truck.

Keep doing what your doing TS. I'm not gonna complain about you objectify'n women!
Omg. Chill out Anna. 99% of diesel enthusiasts are dudes. Real manly men! If we are wanting to see chicks with trucks they need to be smoking hot babes! I'm not gonna lie when I'm flippin thru the mags the orange county diesel ads catch my eye. Hell I could find the little ad from the exhaust company with the chicks on the tailgate before I could find my own truck.

Keep doing what your doing TS. I'm not gonna complain about you objectify'n women!

i completely agree.
I think an old single retired guy should be one of the judges, (me).:D

Frankly I've never seen a woman who knew anything about diesels that I would want to look at in a bikini. Mind you I'm sure there are some of them out there, but I've never seen one. If one of you diesel ladies wants to enter go for it, the fact that you know how to torque a head would be a plus in my book.

here ya go boys. not only is she a looker but she can turn a wrench or two. she just finished diesel school in tenn. she will be at ts. this yr.
One would think I would know about this thread sooner than now....

For the record HSG's can assist in most diesel related activities.

Is there an entry fee?

Does this fall out of the tasteful category?

Cenia will, not sure about Liz or whoever else goes with us.

I wonder if her working for TS and posing on my junk will be a conflict of interest?
Looks tasty to me Roachie...

I'd think Dennis and Sheila would prefer to be associated with trucks that at least have the potential of running at some point in the future...