Monster Pump Mike

MPM got a 6.7 block from me and quit calling and answering his phone! He does have a smart phone because he wanted me to send him some video's of my truck pulling because I had his pump and top feeds truck runs like a top but being over a yr behind schedule on my 6.7 and anytime I bring it up when we are talking I get oh i'm busy let me give you a call in a few minute's. So I just washed my hands of him and I am building my 5.9 that was in my truck after waiting and waiting on my 6.7. He is great guy until you want a motor
It still floors me people still send this guy money and parts and better yet not showed up at his shop and took their stuff back out of his azz. I don't care how good people think his stuff is. Sounds like he is robbing Petter to pay Paul.
Best thing we ever did was get away from his stuff. We went from barely able to get 3rd in work stock to winning in 2.5. He sold a customer a box stock s366 for 1200$ and told him it was a special build turbo by himself .
Guys on here posting true stories, wanna be kids getting butt hurt trying to "defend" him. The funny thing with the truth, you can tell it to anybody.

The dudes fell off his rocker, for any that's ever met the guy we all know that wasn't much further to go.

His parts aren't as good as he pats his own back to be.

And from a good source we know he's been viewing this thread, and calling everyone trying to suck back up. Why put yourself in bed with a unreliable "builder" take it for what it's worth and view all the facts about the guy, if you feel fine with taking your stuff to him do it find out for your self. This was started to inform people how he really is, and to see other stories come out. Your choice, your end screwing.
Guys on here posting true stories, wanna be kids getting butt hurt trying to "defend" him. The funny thing with the truth, you can tell it to anybody.

And from a good source we know he's been viewing this thread, and calling everyone trying to suck back up.

:poke: I'm dying to hear his side.......
Few years ago was interested in one his pumps. Long story short he wanted me to pay for a pump he wasn't ready to ship. I said no, when the pump is built call me and give me a total and I'll pay then. The man never called and I never pursued it.

Now knowing what I know now, he robs Peter to pay Paul. He probably so far in debt he's drowning. No matter how his days are numbered.
I think this whole thing is hilarious!!! all you guys like him or not in every sport , drag racing, truck pulling are getting your rumps handed to you by mikes parts and don't even know it :lolly:
So mpm parts are dominating drag racing and sled pulling? Umm no they are not, sorry to burst your bubble
Y'all might be missing the point, or maybe trying to distract people from the point of all this. Who cares how well his stuff works if he is screwing people over?
Like stated, a handful of people have had good dealings and luck. While the other 90% is getting the shaft. And yes there are some trucks running good with his stuff, but in no way are they dominating motorsports. My 2 pennies worth, but what do I know.
well im lost then cause I seen his stuff is junk, but the best trucks "DO" have his stuff no doubt, and he screws everyone but its no ones business that mc donalds or what ever his name is got a full built motor with top feeds and a pump for 8 grand? yup hes a POS no doubt. I will find someone else then :umno:
first place 2.6 at schied, first place drag racing at schied. all mpm ... what do we consider motorsports?
well im lost then cause I seen his stuff is junk, but the best trucks "DO" have his stuff no doubt, and he screws everyone but its no ones business that mc donalds or what ever his name is got a full built motor with top feeds and a pump for 8 grand? yup hes a POS no doubt. I will find someone else then :umno:

Your not paying attention. The 8Gs was mearly a down payment along other monies payed for him to provide a service.

Pull the blinders off or keep them on. But eventually you'll get the piggly wiggly like others have.

The way I seen his crap over the few years it only works 50% of the time. Or even that.
well im lost then cause I seen his stuff is junk, but the best trucks "DO" have his stuff no doubt, and he screws everyone but its no ones business that mc donalds or what ever his name is got a full built motor with top feeds and a pump for 8 grand? yup hes a POS no doubt. I will find someone else then :umno:

What motor did I recieve?
Mike did the motor in my 98. i Guess now 2 years ago? Like stated in my post he has done motors etc... For us. I gets a little complicated due to the fact I've got 2 trucks. Or had 2 trucks.

what did you pay for this motor in you 98? cause you said 3yrs for the 8 grand and two years on the 98? so your stuff rolled together there .... so since the three years you got one motor done and in the truck and sold since but you still haven't heard nothing from the 6.7... 8 grand went to you 98 maybe?
Well since this thread regarding Mike has popped up I feel it may be a good opportunity to fill you guys in on a few things.

As most of you know we have worked closely with mike for several years. We had a good relationship with him. He provided us with parts, transmissions, pumps, engines just about everything and we had some great success using his stuff. I/we stood behind mike. We referred customers to him ran has business name on our truck did quite a bit for him and in return he helped us a little bit. This is why I'm so upset with our current situation with mike. I'm going to give you guys a slightly abbreviated version of what the deal is.

Almost 3 years ago we purchased an 04 1500 truck a 6.7 engine(minus the turbo Injectors and electronics) and a 48re 4wd trans in preparation to build a 2wd race rig. We purchased the engine and trans from a gentleman from Texas. His name is justin (I'll leave his last name out) we of course have documentation of this purchase and documentation of shipping both parts to mike. We also provided mike with 8 thousand dollars to build this motor.

Our plans were to finish everything in a years time and be out racing. Well that year came and passed our roller was ready but we didn't have an engine or trans. We called and called mike he continually gave us the same response "everything will be ready next week" or everything will be ready at the end of the month and I'll have it out to you. Yes we even have emails confirming this.

Well guys it's been 3 years and we have nothing. Mike walked away with all of it. Mike has been issued a letter from our attorney stating our demands and what we are owed. He continually pushes this aside and we are fed up.

Figured you guys should know this. Be wary purchasing anything from him. He walked away with 16 thousand dollars worth of stuff from us. I didn't want to have to turn to the forums but we are not going to stand by and allow this to happen.

three years ago for 6.7, 98 two yrs ago.............:doh:
look I really don't care but if everyone is gonna take all the bad stories for truth, his **** will just get bashed till its gone . when maybe its the people trying to make him look bad cause of there own problems.... don't know but ive seen this **** a bunch
I don't have problems, but your too damn stupid to realize that others have.

It's one thing to have a few sales go wrong, it's another when you blatantly steal people's money to put together other people's parts. He's got money problems for which he can't drag himself out of.