Monster Pump Mike

You guys blow my mind in stupidity.. If his stuff was s***? Then why does Haisley Machine, D&J Machine, Stainless Diesel, and pretty sure Patrick O'Bryant to name a few big name people off use his stuff? I'm complete mind blown. I feel like that's more than 10% of the people to have good relationships with him. Half of you probably have his stuff and don't even know it because it was sold through somebody else leaving his name out and claiming they made it ?

So um..... :bang :owned:
ok well I was not even talking to you at all and now im stupid? im not saying they haven't but I 100% know you were not there and I was not either so maybe this whole thing is dumb ... im saying his story don't work but I don't care either way his ****s great, and you need to keep your keyboard shut when you are thinking about callin people stupid for no reason
what did you pay for this motor in you 98? cause you said 3yrs for the 8 grand and two years on the 98? so your stuff rolled together there .... so since the three years you got one motor done and in the truck and sold since but you still haven't heard nothing from the 6.7... 8 grand went to you 98 maybe?

What was done to our 98 years ago has absolutely nothing to do with this 6.7, 8k, and a 48re trans. Like I said this was sent as a package to him.

What he just up and decides well maybe you owed me more money so I'll just use this money for this and then never provide an invoice and then say your 6.7 will be done at the end of the week for years. Then just not send anything and continually lie.

Fraudulent invoices were sent to us mike randomly created last week. What was paid in the past is completely irrelevant to this motor money and transmission. Mike wants create some sort of situation where we somehow some way magically owe him for past things done. Like I have already said mike has an opinion so do we this is why court rooms exist.

The guy leads you on for 3 years and when is told to produce he can't. Then is contacted by our attornies and says "well you still owe me." Please provide those invoices. Please provide that documentation.

Maybe he doesn't have that money because he has dug himself into such a hole. I'll tell you we always pay our debts we always pay our bills and we expect nothing for free. If you had any clue the type of people we are you would understand how reasonable we truly are. We worked with him for years even considered the guy a friend. He up and decides to pull a stunt like this we won't roll over.

By the way your writing is about impossible to understand.
I'll call stupid when I see it. So spin it however you want. Fact of the matter is your back peddling now.

My dealings with the man right out of the bucket gives me the leg to stand on.
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I'll call stupid when I see it. So spin it however you want. Fact of the matter is your back peddling now.

My dealings with the man right out of the bucket gives me the leg to stand on.

cause you sent him no money and he sent you no pump lol? peg leg at best. and call it how you see it ? you don't know a thing. your truck deserves a stock pump on it trust me , you cant handle the problems of high performance :hehe:
What was done to our 98 years ago has absolutely nothing to do with this 6.7, 8k, and a 48re trans. Like I said this was sent as a package to him.

What he just up and decides well maybe you owed me more money so I'll just use this money for this and then never provide an invoice and then say your 6.7 will be done at the end of the week for years. Then just not send anything and continually lie.

Fraudulent invoices were sent to us mike randomly created last week. What was paid in the past is completely irrelevant to this motor money and transmission. Mike wants create some sort of situation where we somehow some way magically owe him for past things done. Like I have already said mike has an opinion so do we this is why court rooms exist.

The guy leads you on for 3 years and when is told to produce he can't. Then is contacted by our attornies and says "well you still owe me." Please provide those invoices. Please provide that documentation.

Maybe he doesn't have that money because he has dug himself into such a hole. I'll tell you we always pay our debts we always pay our bills and we expect nothing for free. If you had any clue the type of people we are you would understand how reasonable we truly are. We worked with him for years even considered the guy a friend. He up and decides to pull a stunt like this we won't roll over.

By the way your writing is about impossible to understand.

well can you guys guide me to the nearest diesel site? I signed up for one that turned out to be a college English enriched class. spend more time in the shop not in school sorry and again could give a crap that you spent 8 grand and got a complete motor and sold it for 15 and still are mad you didn't get our 6.7 and trans. hope your lawyer is a bad ass. good luck
cause you sent him no money and he sent you no pump lol? peg leg at best. and call it how you see it ? you don't know a thing. your truck deserves a stock pump on it trust me , you cant handle the problems of high performance :hehe:

No. And I would trust you even slinging wrench at my stuff so much as any of my customers.

And look everyone grammar from a two year old.
maxtorq if a customer brings u a truck and you work on it and let it go back to him with the understanding that he will pay the remainder of his bill then sells the parts and engine you suppled and still owes you money but in the mean time drops his other truck off and wants you to build it would you? and this is all hypothetically speaking
No. And I would trust you even slinging wrench at my stuff so much as any of my customers.

And look everyone grammar from a two year old.

did you proof read your own bash you tard? again call it how you see it right?
I would like to know who is also cause im not the one making up these story books lol

So tell you what. Drive your hi performance machine over to Monster Mike. Hand him an intelligent phone and have the man do what's right. Have him speak for himself and let the court of public truth hand him ass.
I keep reading this thread thinking I'm gonna end up with a rare bird torque converter if this lawsuit goes through and finally buries the guy. Love my Monster pump mike converter, not so in love with the fact it might have to be phased out if the creator is long gone.
So tell you what. Drive your hi performance machine over to Monster Mike. Hand him an intelligent phone and have the man do what's right. Have him speak for himself and let the court of public truth hand him ass.

which hi performance machine should I take? with all these monster motors here its hard to pick just one to drive:evil
I keep reading this thread thinking I'm gonna end up with a rare bird torque converter if this lawsuit goes through and finally buries the guy. Love my Monster pump mike converter, not so in love with the fact it might have to be phased out if the creator is long gone.

we will have a museum of monster parts. Ill charge and be the guide, "here you see to your right a 426 motor used by some hated by the rest" :hehe:
for all the people that say his stuff is junk ask haisley about some 24v injectors top or side feed and non isb girdle or exhaust manifolds that he makes. curt straight up told me when i was standing in their dyno room this past spring he has seen hp numbers increase by the double digits just by changing over to his manifold over a steed speed or stainless and if they will be honest with you ask them about the difference in hp numbers on a 2.5 engine with scheid injectors vs. mikes injectors non top feed then if they are being open ask how much hp they picked up on robs truck the week before scheid because of mike
Hypothetically out of your ass. Mike seems to have the most bad stories per total stories of any shop I know. I'm sure he takes care of certain local shops, but there are way too many situations gone bad with him. You don't have this many people from all over the U.S. Getting together just to run his name down.