My broken motor pictures

He built a Pro Charged Z06 Vette for standing mile racing.
Last time we spoke he had no intention of ever messing with diesels again.
Richard, Please ask RC to return my loaner smarty. He never did return it Thanks
I guess he got burnt out of diesels? He had a wicked ride....wish I had the money to buy it when it was for sale.
Richard, Please ask RC to return my loaner smarty. He never did return it Thanks
Good luck Bob. Nobody seems to have been able to get in touch with him. I tried for weeks on end when he had the truck listed for sale. The guy that eventually bought it has tried over and over to reach him, not only for the spare parts that he was promised, but about simple questions he had about the build up of the truck. He never had any luck either.
some people just have the abilitly to up and leave a hobby and never return to the scene again...
He left the building and took everyone's stuff with him.
thanks guys , I appreciate the info. RC seemed liked quite the guy and I thought Chris would back his ass.
Good luck Bob. Nobody seems to have been able to get in touch with him. I tried for weeks on end when he had the truck listed for sale. The guy that eventually bought it has tried over and over to reach him, not only for the spare parts that he was promised, but about simple questions he had about the build up of the truck. He never had any luck either.

Wow that sucks, glad the bank said no when we tried to buy that truck!