NADm Announces: Diesel Motorsport Hall of Fame.

what's the point if no one today knows any of them ? What's the point also if none are even in the sport anymore ?

besides.... most I named are from 10yrs ago

Arent there Sports legends not in the sport anymore? Dale Earnhardt comes to mind here.
:bang :bang is it just in everyones nature to argue about chit ! geeezzzz !! Earnhardt was a legend before he ever died
Its to honor the past and the roots of our sport. Its a Diesel Motorsport hall of fame, Not an NADM hall of Fame, nor a whos who in the sport this year, see where I'm coming from?

The legends today will get their chance in a few years.

We could call it, Qwest for the DMHoF!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats what we need to discuss.

There was HP being made in Kentucky and Pennsylvania,(wasn't me) before the names everyone knows today even thought about it.

Keith Conway will be in it, no argument there. Thats a given.

Doug Smith (Jetpilot) for sure!
Its to honor the past and the roots of our sport. Its a Diesel Motorsport hall of fame, Not an NADM hall of Fame, nor a whos who in the sport this year, see where I'm coming from?

The legends today will get their chance in a few years.

We could call it, Qwest for the DMHoF!!!!!!!!!!!

again, I don't know I'm getting crap about my post. Like I said, most that I mentioned were the innovators in diesel performance. I'm sure there's others but, the few I know who can make this list you want.... I listed. I'm sorry now that I bothered !
May as well start at the beginning with Rudolph Diesel. :soap:
HVAC!! Under shop or racer?

And yes, no Diesel anything is complete without Rudolph and Clessy.
Triton, I dont think anyone was giving you a hard time, just clarifying what they are thinking of for the hall of fame. I personally think it should be run like any sports hall of fame,, 3 or 4 people get in per year... and 1 or 2 builders etc
Cheerleaders get out your pom poms!!

While I think it's way to early to start a hall of fame I do think there should be people that should be recognized for sure for what they have brought to the sport.

Why not a famous rivalry race? Fletcher VS MADDOG comes to mind!

Triton you need to seriously back up of a bit and sit your cup down, no one is tearing apart your posts or attacking you, though I think it's extremely sad that you don't feel like honoring the people who HELPED our sport along,

That being said if this is going to be a ACTUAL hall of fame, I think you should really put people in there that ACTUALLY made this sport what it is today, I think many are just looking at this as a chance to nominate people who they think helped or did their part but did it really have an affect on how we do things? Did they make a change? Or bring something new to the sport? Or was it just borrowed ideas from our gas counterparts?

Though many of the names mentioned I bow down to and may some of them RIP, are we just looking to glorify our fallen brothers/racers to make us feel better or are we looking for the people who hands down MADE this sport what it is!

.....FLAME SUIT ON.....
Triton you need to seriously back up of a bit and sit your cup down, no one is tearing apart your posts or attacking you, though I think it's extremely sad that you don't feel like honoring the people who HELPED our sport along,

I meant no disrespect to anyone. I posted names I though were innovators and names I thought others would agree to recognize as hall of famers. I didn't know to be in a hall of fame you had to have died ???
I didn't know to be in a hall of fame you had to have died ???

You are jumping to conclusions, and are about to offend 95% of the Diesel world, Id suggest let it go.
If anyone is offended..... that's there problem. You should have worded your original post differently if you didn't want names of many who were innovators. If you look back.... I was the only one to tried to answer you. The first several post were the typical banter
I don't think anyone felt you were disrespecting anyone, and being alive or dead has nothing to do with being in a HALL OF FAME. Like I said I think it's WAY to early to start a H.O.F. and there are gonna be so many names it's gonna be rediculous not to mention shops that did diesel work or mechanics that got into performance and built some fast trucks now are being called innovators because they know how to wrench and tune like they should. Hope that came out right and no one takes offense.

While I agree some of the well if u want to call them OLD SCHOOL GUYS were doing this 10 years ago and made a name for themselves I think we need to make sure the people we vote on we ask ourselves if they weren't around would the sport be different or not as big?

I think there's plenty of people that really helped out but if they wouldn't have been in the sport would we have noticed?

I hope this is all coming out right :hehe: cause I for sure think that some of the names mentioned are for sure HALL OF FAMERS! Let's just not get carried away with the "remember that guy he was good" theme.

I was just telling you to relax, no one is attacking you

Btw I'm guessing the board that would vote the said individual in would be the members of a non-biased organization so the TRUE hall of famers have a chance?
I'd like to start out with people, things, that happened say, 10 years ago or more, then catch up to near present time.
Email me, or post, thanks!

I thought that was pretty clear... should I have put dead or alive Triton? Would that make it simpiler for you?
I think we need to make sure the people we vote on we ask ourselves if they weren't around would the sport be different or not as big?

I think there's plenty of people that really helped out but if they wouldn't have been in the sport would we have noticed?

Btw I'm guessing the board that would vote the said individual in would be the members of a non-biased organization so the TRUE hall of famers have a chance?


Considering I asked for 10 years ago and NADM is finishing up its second year, and I said it is NOT an NADM hall of fame but Diesel Motorsport in general, not sure why you are concerned about our bias.

But yes I am biased, you are not going to see Ron Knoch, David Dunbar, Dieter or myself on the ballots for a few years anyway. Thats not what this is about.

Too early for a hall of fame? Hell Triton wants to forget guys that participated last year already. I'd say we are late by a few years.