NADM Looking for crew 2011.


Comp Diesel Sponsor
Apr 23, 2006
Looking for able bodied men and women who want to work like dogs, dawn to dusk on no sleep after you drove all night, with no glory and a ridiculously small amount of money to compensate your efforts.

Here is a short list of jobs we do at events.

Tech- the most thankless job in motor sports.
Banner placement/removal
Line -up
Registration/set up tent and tables.
T-shirt sales
Scale operator
Hitch checkers
Scraper operator
Roller operator
Local promotions.

Contact, and we can discuss details.
When you say hookers....... I might find time. ? Need details. LOL
Whats so funny? I'm always looking for hookers, and sometimes Snedge helps me find them.
If you guys get up near MN let me know. I'm in.

PM me if you don't already have my phone number Gene.

Come on now, for like 6 whole days we have nice weather and no snow!
Just because the roof collapsed on the Metrodome doesn't mean we wouldn't enjoy NADM up here!
Thats the second guy whos asked if hes fired. :hehe:Listen you clowns, if you didnt notice, we have been a bit understaffed for 3 years!!!
We are losing our backbone of Tech students to the real world, and others to their sons football games.
A lot of the NADM staff have been giving up weekends for a long time-they need a break. Except you HS, you dont get any time off, after I had to carry the race load for you in FLA.:shake:
i agree with sled,. and we appreciate all the work nadm does. knowing this first hand. what it take is 2- 5 people to run one of these events smoothly. most of us have regular jobs, and theye are looking for people that live close to this yr,s shcedule and are willing to help out for a small reward./ trust me guys, nobodys getting rich here. but we have to start somewhere.
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