NADM Sled Opener-June 7th

We are here at the hotel. Kind of quite right now but trucks are starting to show up in the lot.
We are at ours too right off 94 and its quiet. We flat missed wherever the friday night part was at. Hopefully tomorrow is better, although wireless internet in the parking lot and a cooler can pass the time.
Friday night was rained out. The pits were a swamp. After it cleared up it was a great night. Today the rain should hold off until late in the night. See you there!
I just heard the weather was clear and nice. looks like everything is a go.
I was gonna head up...but the weather down here near Joliet is rediculous. I'd have to dodge tornadoes apparently just to get there.
Rained out. Not a good weekend for pulling. Hopefully we can get the drag race in tomorrow.
I was going to head up as well,and kept a eye on the weather since we are 2 hrs south and made the call around 3 pm to not go cause of the rain.It sucked since we busted ass at the shop for six nights in a row trying to get a truck ready for the pull.Was looking foward to seeing the event.
The rain was a real bummer. Was fun moving Mark's little canopy cuz of the water level in the pits, trying to stay dry. Going home through Milwaukee proved very difficult with the highways flooded out. Hopefully next pull will be better weather for you guys.

However, NADM needs to step up. The conduct of the 'NADM security' in the parking area of the fairgrounds was sub-par to say the least. Letting them guys, or should I say kids, get away with tearing up the grass doing donuts and driving through the huge puddles was downright stupid. Threatening the ones that were doing it about calling the cops, instead of actually calling the cops, was the wrong way to handle it. When a couple of them almost plowed into an explorer about 50 ft from me, I had had enough. They tore the crap out of the parking area to say the least. Gives the organization a bad name right off the bat, and makes everyone in attedance look like a bunch of a-holes. Everyone I was standing by was very unhappy with what was going on, and how it was handled. I would've left before all the crap started, but was blocked in and had no choice but to watch it.:soap:

I look forward to being a member of NADM next year when my truck is running again, and look forward to making it to some events this year. Please take what happened tonight into account. It's not only an image issue for your organization, but a very real safety issue for the fans.
I agree with the unfortunate vandalism of the fairgrounds grass. Turns out the guys that were doing that were cutting those doughnuts were doing so at the behest of some folks making internet videos. While the drivers are stupid, the video crew split when the cops came, but only after leaving their business card. Stupid x 2.

I am told the fairground will be pressing charges...

As to NADM's responsibility in all this, they sanction and run the pulls. They do so sometimes, on the behalf of a promoter who owns or rents the venue where the pull is held. This pull was done in a series of (attempted, as it were) events at the fairgrounds that weekend called "The Challenge of Power." The NADM was there to sanction and run the diesel truck portion of the pull. All other aspects of the event unrelated to competition is arranged by the promoter.

On a side note... When Gene heard about it, he did speak to that scrappy lil' beer-keg lookin guy in the blue T shirt and had him go check it out to see if he could help. By then the cops were already rolling in. Good thing for them, Beer Keg guy looks mean. LOL

In the end, as I was leaving the cops had two kids on the hood of their cars, and were photographing the turf damage to the fairgrounds.

Arrest... yet another unfortunate weather related event this weekend.
yea i saw that all happen from down by the track and i hope this get in trouble for it its not there damn lawn. i really wish there would of been a pull but mother nature didnt want it glad the bad stuff missed the track there. Another thing i was hopeing there would have been more venders there
.......... The conduct of the 'NADM security' in the parking area of the fairgrounds was sub-par to say the least. Letting them guys, or should I say kids, get away with tearing up the grass doing donuts and driving through the huge puddles was downright stupid. Threatening the ones that were doing it about calling the cops, instead of actually calling the cops, was the wrong way to handle it. When a couple of them almost plowed into an explorer about 50 ft from me, I had had enough. They tore the crap out of the parking area to say the least. Gives the organization a bad name right off the bat, and makes everyone in attedance look like a bunch of a-holes. Everyone I was standing by was very unhappy with what was going on, and how it was handled. I would've left before all the crap started, but was blocked in and had no choice but to watch it.:soap:

I look forward to being a member of NADM next year when my truck is running again, and look forward to making it to some events this year. Please take what happened tonight into account. It's not only an image issue for your organization, but a very real safety issue for the fans.

As Amish pointed out, NADM had nothing to do with security of the event, however, I was standing next to the promoter when he got the call, and he said the cops WERE being called.
I guess I should have grabbed a shotgun and raced down there?

And I agree, it makes all pullers look bad, (wayyy more than NADM or the promoter)so I ASK, instead of WATCHING the vandalism, why didn't YOU GUYS do something?

Arrests have been made, and a bill for the clean up is forthcoming.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
That rain was crazy. After is rained like crazy for 30 minutes friday night, it was beautiful out. We just sat and had a few drinks with Ron in the Marriott parking lot and checked out the monster truck. Man that thing is sweet. But dont get to close Dave has a BIG BIG dog! I thought i was lunch. Dave tried telling me he was nice but he didnt look like he was smiling!!
Its funny now. But when he jumped out of the truck and was running at me. Me never seeing this dog before, i turned and acted like i wasnt scared and began to walk away. Dave was yelling "hes nice hes nice, he just wants to play" Man was i relieved that slobber was the only the i got on me besides the crap in my pants!! What a freakin monster!
Was looking forward to a good night of pulls, but you can't beat old mother nature! As far as the jerks who did the vandalism, those are the people that ruin everything for us. Why people can't grow up is beyond me!
Jakes Master, Clessie Cummins:


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As Amish pointed out, NADM had nothing to do with security of the event, however, I was standing next to the promoter when he got the call, and he said the cops WERE being called.
I guess I should have grabbed a shotgun and raced down there?

And I agree, it makes all pullers look bad, (wayyy more than NADM or the promoter)so I ASK, instead of WATCHING the vandalism, why didn't YOU GUYS do something?

Arrests have been made, and a bill for the clean up is forthcoming.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

Sorry for jumping down your throat so to speak with this one. A couple of the trucks drivers got royal ass chewings when they pulled up next to the group I was in, and as I got fed up, I actually chased two of the trucks over to Great Lakes Dragway while on the phone with the cops.

My only reason for saying the cops shouldve been called was that a girl in an NADM shirt and another guy were telling the violators that if they didn't stop, the cops would then be called.

Other than that, I couldn't really say or do much, they were too far out in the field to say anything, or bolted as soon as we would approach their trucks. We called the cops once before leaving the grounds, and again as we were heading out the gate following a couple of trucks.

Shotgun would've been put to good use otherwise:hehe: